Category Creativity

Hong Kong Loves Cum

Now, I know there are proper uses for the word “cum”, and it can appear classy in text, as you might appear smart by dropping magna cum laudae into a sentence (I just looked it up, and find it means “with great praise”); and it’s strictly correct to…

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Sanyo Xacti HD2000 and Mac OS X

Though Sanyo Xacti HD2000 results look good in Quicktime, the files are not readily edited in Final Cut Express. It is, however, possible to edit using Final Cut Express – by first converting files, or doing rough edit with iMovie. Trouble in Final Cut Express When I tried Sanyo…

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Drupal newbie notes

Notes from my early experiences in using Drupal. Update September 2022: after becoming one of Drupal’s abandonedusers, I’ve moved from Drupal to WordPress. Phew!!! Just posted this to drupal usability forum [1 Dec 08: adding some edits based on further experience, lest others stop by and read this]:…

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