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  • 回復至: 辯論的另一方 #4523

      So OK, the OISM has adopted pooh-poohing warming as a cause, after starting w some highly dodgy right wing US Christian views – note the sourcewatch article re books saying nuclear bombs not so bad really, and flogging material like old edition of Encyclopedia Brittanica for serious money.
      Might be allied to kinds of people who build museums w dinosaurs pulling carts and so forth. See, eg, re idiocy and “gut” views over science etc: 來自白痴美國的問候.

      Anyways, there is no scientific debate re validity of global warming; just as no scientific debate re earth being round, earth going round sun, evolution, plate tectonics, gravity…
      Any such “debate” – in absence of alternative theory that stands up to scrutiny, explains observations (and my “dr” is for phys chem, real hard science, so I have some notions re theories) – is bogus and diversionary.

      It would be nice to think global warming’s just a matter of opinion; nice to continue with illusion this is just a “debate”, which is really somewhat trivial, or that reality can change depending on your political or religious viewpoint.
      Sadly, that’s not the case.

      Evidence is strong and building that warming is an issue. For instance:

      a new analysis in Nature that paints a dark portrait of what a warming world will look like in the years to come.

      The researchers assessed 829 geologic phenomena—including melting glaciers—along with nearly 30,000 changes in plants and animals (from bird migration patterns to plummeting penguin populations), and found that about 90 percent of them are in sync with scientists’ predictions about how global warming will alter the planet.


      There is, however, plenty of scope for debate re what we do about warming.
      Big Fat Nothing seems the general consensus, despite some fine words.

      We can fight terrorists real and imaginary and so forth, respond – when allowed to – to disasters as they happen; yet here we are, overwhelmed by this issue. And in too many cases, just in denial, heads thrust firmly in sand, sometimes clinging too tightly to keys to the SUV.

      回復至: 辯論的另一方 #4520

        Oh dear, I see Earth has a cold has a prominent link to guff re the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine.


        nuff said, I think.

        回復至: 全球變暖威脅生物多樣性 #4384

          馴鹿無法跟上因全球暖化而發生的某些變化。當動物到達產卵地時,懷孕的雌性發現它們賴以生存的植物已經達到了最高生產力,營養價值已經開始下降。根據波斯特介紹,這些植物是根據溫度而不是白天的長度來開始生長的,隨著溫度的升高,它們的峰值時間大大提前。波斯特說:“過去幾年,我們西格陵蘭研究地點的春季氣溫上升了 4 攝氏度以上。” “結果,植物生長的時間提前了,但產犢的時間卻沒有。”


          回復至: ESPN 明星運動板球有時會直播 #4503

            Sent Now TV another stroppy missive re their crappy “live” cricket channel, where it seems live tv has vanished lately.
            Had reply, inc this schedule for forthcoming matches that will be shown.

            England v New Zealand Test
            (3 Tests, 1 Twenty20 and 5 One-Day Internationals)

            May 2008

            ICC Asia Cup

            June 2008

            England v South Africa Test
            (4 Tests, 1 Twenty20 and 5 One-Day Internationals)

            July – September 2008

            Australia v Bangladesh
            (2 Tests, and 3 One-Day Internationals)

            August – September 2008

            ICC Champion’s trophy

            Sept 2008

            Australia v New Zealand
            (2 Test, 5 One-Day Internationals, 1 Twenty20)

            November 2008

            Australia v South Africa
            (3 Tests, 5 One-Day Internationals)

            December 2008 – January 2009

            ICC World Cup Qualifier

            April 2009

            England v Zimbabwe
            (2 Tests, 3 One-Day Internationals)

            May – June 2009

            Twenty20 World Cup

            May 2009

            Emailed back, saying:
            Well, this looks better.

            But still hardly inspired.
            I’m interested in the England – NZ/S Africa matches over the summer. Not too excited by schedule for coming winter.

            Seems there are no cricket fans working at the channel.



              科羅拉多州博爾德國家大氣研究中心的西蒙娜·蒂爾姆斯(Simone Tilmes) 表示:“我們的研究表明,如果實際上向大氣中排放大量硫,我們的臭氧消耗會比以前更大。”她的研究發表在該雜誌上科學。


              回復至: 全球變暖正在順利進行 #4320



                環境運動組織(在美國被稱為世界野生動物基金會)表示,過去三年觀察到的最顯著差異包括夏季海冰「大幅加速」下降和格陵蘭冰蓋「大幅」萎縮。今天有一份123 頁的報告。



                回復至: 全球暖化預測:災害、疾病 #4361








                  回復至: 布希反科學家與全球暖化的困惑 #4405


                    布希總統呼籲在 2025 年停止美國溫室氣體排放的成長,但對如何實現這一目標幾乎沒有提出任何想法,因此受到了環保組織的批評。




                    回復至: 全球暖化預測:災害、疾病 #4360





                      「過去2000 年來,[全球平均]海平面非常穩定,僅變化約20 厘米,」英國利物浦附近的普勞德曼海洋實驗室(POL) 的斯韋特蘭娜·耶夫雷耶娃(Svetlana Jevrejeva ) 說。

                      「但到本世紀末,我們預計這一數字將上升 0.80 萬至 1.50 萬。


                      大海平面 ri 預報

                      回復至: 我不相信野鳥會傳播 h5n1 #3764

                        Another paper out in continuing hunt for the Tooth Fairy Bird (which can survive and sustain and spread H5N1 poultry flu). Experiments showed that Mallard may be a candidate species; but other ducks, such as Tufted Duck, liable to die when infected, so maybe sentinels. I’ve just posted to aiwatch group:

                        I’m not so up to speed re wild ducks etc n h5n1 – after all, seems to me the story is so often the same old same old; here we have more of the search for the Tooth Fairy BIrd, with suggestion it might exist (as a mallard) but not actually found. I recalled work by Webster n co – leading Tooth Fairy Bird chasers! – which involved H5N1 that was virulent to mallard. I’ve the paper someplace, but easier to google for quick info; and find: "In laboratory experiments in mallard ducks, it rapidly shifted from being potentially fatal to causing only asymptomatic infections. Nevertheless, it remained highly virulent to domestic chickens and, presumably, to people. A resilient wild waterfowl, such as the mallard, could therefore become a permanent biological reservoir for a strain of avian flu with pandemic-causing potential."

                        I wonder, then, re the strain used in the newer TF Bird experiments: not quite the same as some strains, inc used by Webster. Once again, we have evolution to the rescue. I know virologists – many of them – don’t believe in it, instead looking to mutations and mixing, but not evolving; don’t really know why this is: too busy peering into microscopes to see wider pictures? Again: a virus getting from poultry farms to wild will evolve to low pathogenicity in wild birds (as Webster’s rather simple experiments showed – simple compared to the wild that is). I’d like to again ask: has there been anything like the effort expended in blaming wild birds used to assess the situation re official and unofficial poultry trade? – or is the situation that, with poultry trade and friends having the main money for H5N1 research, the funding tends to go into areas that can point finger of blame away from poultry industry? So far, silence re this.

                        You can find the paper re Mallard etc at: http://www.cdc.gov/eid/content/14/4/600.htm

                        回復至: 全球變暖正在順利進行 #4318




                          監測服務主任威爾弗里德·哈伯利教授表示,根據歷史記錄和其他證據,冰川融化的速度也被認為比過去 5,000 年來的任何時候都要快。 “沒有絕對的證據,但證據確鑿:這確實非同尋常。”

                          近三十年來,專家一直在監測世界各地的 30 座冰川,2006 年的最新數據顯示,冰的「淨損失」是有史以來最大的。聯合國環境規劃署(UNEP)負責人阿奇姆·施泰納告訴《觀察家報》,冰川融化現在是全球暖化「最響亮、最清晰」的警訊。

                          這個問題可能導致基礎設施故障、大規模移民甚至衝突。 「我們正在談論在你和我的一生中發生的事情。我們不是在談論一些假設的事情,我們是在談論其後果的戲劇性事情,」他說







                            索爾特與科羅拉多州國家大氣研究中心的約翰·萊瑟姆(John Latham)合作提出了他的想法,建造船隻在海洋中航行,並產生細小的水滴,周圍形成白雲。他表示,大約需要 400 艘風力動力船,成本為 1 億英鎊。然而,困難的部分是產生足夠小的液滴以形成雲,這是索爾特尚未掌握的技術。到目前為止,他的鬥爭一直是一場孤獨的鬥爭,而且他對政府缺乏信心。



                            回復至: 全球變暖的懷疑論者、嬰兒潮一代、雅皮士等 #4267

                              通用汽車公司副董事長 Bob Lutz 最近舉例說明了這些問題:

                              通用汽車公司副董事長鮑勃·盧茨(Bob Lutz)為他將全球變暖斥為“徹頭徹尾的狗屎”的言論進行了辯護,稱他的觀點與通用汽車製造環保汽車的承諾無關。



                              回復至: 全球變暖的謊言和氣候變化的歇斯底里 #4496

                                It seems there’s some sort of contest among US right wingers to see who can stoop the lowest in writing the crassest hyperbole regarding global warming. CBS should be ashamed of hosting an opinion piece I’ve come across. Includes:

                                creating stampedes and hysteria has become a major activity of those hyping a global-warming “crisis.” They mobilize like-minded people from a variety of occupations, call them all “scientists” and then claim that “all” the experts agree on a global-warming crisis. … Those who bother to check the facts often find that not all those who are called scientists are really scientists and not all of those who are scientists are specialists in climate. But who bothers to check facts these days?

                                – latter seems deeply ironic, given the dearth of actual scientists saying global warming isn’t an issue, and the paucity of facts supporting their case.

                                The party line of those who say that we are heading for a global warming crisis of epic proportions is that human activities generating carbon dioxide are key factors responsible for the warming that has taken place in recent times. The problem with this reasoning is that the temperatures rose first and then the carbon dioxide levels rose. Some scientists say that the warming created the increased carbon dioxide, rather than vice versa.

                                – this shows that the buffoon penning the piece has no notion re facts; CO2 levels have been rising for some time, greenhouse effect (warming) was predicted before temperatures shown to be rising. Cold Water on "Global Warming" National Review Online: Skeptics To Gather In Gotham To Discuss The Cold, Hard Facts

                                回復至: 全球變暖威脅生物多樣性 #4383








                                  回復至: 全球變暖威脅生物多樣性 #4382






                                    因此,Le Maho 及其同事發現,在海洋暖化的年份裡,企鵝的繁殖並不順利。

                                    在成年企鵝冬季覓食的海冰邊緣,溫度僅升高 0.47 華氏度(0.26 攝氏度),兩年後企鵝數量減少了 9%。


                                    回復至: Birds Inc 喜鵲知更鳥在香港 w H5N1 #4055

                                      今年冬天在香港發現了大約六隻死蒼鷺或白鷺以及一隻死禿鷹並被證明感染了 H5N1 之後,我將以下內容發佈到了 HK Birdw Soc 論壇:


                                      來自魚,胃裡有足夠的病毒? (也許是吃了家禽糞便、受感染家禽的內臟後?)

                                      回復至: ESPN 明星運動板球有時會直播 #4502

                                        I emailed Now TV with comment rather as above; reply here:

                                        With regards to your message, we are sorry that the series of England vs
                                        New Zealand is under our now TV coverage. Rest assured that your
                                        valuable feedback has already been channeled back to relevant department
                                        for further review in order to improve our service level and provide
                                        customers with the best possible service in future.

                                        For your information, the Tri-Nation series in Australia and also the
                                        “ICC Under-19 Cricket World cup” are available on now TV.

                                        回復至: ESPN 明星運動板球有時會直播 #4501

                                          My main int team is England; recently played series in Sri Lanka, now in New Zealand – yet none of the matches aired on the rather crappy ESPN Star Sports Cricket “Live” (haha) channel. Just turned on lest today’s 20-20 match shown – but no, was yet another repeat.

                                          This month, get some international matches from Australia, plus bunch of domestic matches from Australia (kind of ok if nothing of higher level to show, but that’s not the case), and under 19 “world cup” (inc Papua New Guinea team).
                                          Might be ok if a cheap channel – but get charged a premium price; premium price should merit premium content.


                                            Post I’ve just made to NY Times; responding to article on Cato Institute report along lines of Lomborg’s utterances: warming willl have bad consequences, but we’ll become so much richer that no need to do anything to stop them.
                                            Here, inc my belief that notions v wrong; could be economic tipping point, too, closing our window of opportunity to actually do anything re warming.

                                            After reading much info re warming, I’ve come to believe that if we dither re action now (not sure why the dithering – fear?), we’ll find ourselves so busy dealing with the consequences, devoting so many resources to them, that will become unable to really tackle causes of global warming.

                                            Witness, say, the tornadoes that just struck the US: can’t say for sure that a result of warming, but the kind of thing predicted, and which we’re likely to see more of. Response needed.

                                            Increase frequency of such weather disasters – and organisations like OXfam already reporting significant increases – and could find it’s like trying to put out one fire after another, without energy/resources to tackle problems that have made many of those fires occur.

                                            But, maybe a minority will be rich, relatively insulated; and Cao happy to pander to their ilk.


                                              Here’s a summary of key tipping points – or “tipping elements” as they’re called here, in climate systems:

                                              Anthropogenic forcing could push the Earth’s climate system past critical thresholds, so that important components may “tip” into qualitatively different modes of operation. In the renowned magazine “Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences” (PNAS) an international team of researchers describes, where small changes can have large long-term consequences on human and ecological systems.

                                              “Society may be lulled into a false sense of security by smooth projections of global change,“ the researchers around Timothy Lenton from the British University of East Anglia in Norwich and Hans Joachim Schellnhuber from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research report. Global change may appear to be a slow and gradual process on human scales. However, in some regions anthropogenic forcing on the climate system could kick start abrupt and potentially irreversible changes. For these sub-systems of the Earth system the researchers introduce the term “tipping element”.

                                              Drawing on a workshop of 36 leading climate scientists in October 2005 at the British Embassy, Berlin, Germany, a further elicitation of 52 experts in the field, and a review of the pertinent literature, the authors compiled a short-list of nine potential tipping elements. These tipping elements are ranked as the most policy-relevant and require consideration in international climate politics.

                                              Arctic sea-ice and the Greenland Ice Sheet are regarded as the most sensitive tipping elements with the smallest uncertainty. Scientists expect ice cover to dwindle due to global warming. The West Antarctic Ice Sheet is probably less sensitive as a tipping element, but projections of its future behavior have large uncertainty. This also applies to the Amazon rainforest and Boreal forests, the El Niño phenomenon, and the West African monsoon. “These tipping elements are candidates for surprising society by exhibiting a nearby tipping point,” the authors state in the article that is published in PNAS Online Early Edition. The archetypal example of a tipping element, the Atlantic thermohaline circulation, could undergo a large abrupt transition with up to ten percent probability within this century, according to the UN climate report from 2007.

                                              Given the scale of potentially dramatic impacts from tipping elements the researchers anticipate stronger mitigation. Concepts for adaptation that go beyond current incremental approaches are also necessary. In addition, “a rigorous study of potential tipping elements in human socio-economic systems would also be welcome,” the researchers write. Some models suggest there are tipping points to be passed for the transition to a low carbon society.

                                              Highly sensitive tipping elements, smallest uncertainty:

                                              Greenland Ice Sheet – Warming over the ice sheet accelerates ice loss from outlet glaciers and lowers ice altitude at the periphery, which further increases surface temperature and ablation. The exact tipping point for disintegration of the ice sheet is unknown, since current models cannot capture the observed dynamic deglaciation processes accurately. But in a worst case scenario local warming of more than three degrees Celsius could cause the ice sheet to disappear within 300 years. This would result in a rise of sea level of up to seven meters.

                                              Arctic sea-ice – As sea-ice melts, it exposes a much darker ocean surface, which absorbs more radiation than white sea-ice so that the warming is amplified. This causes more rapid melting in summer and decreases ice formation in winter. Over the last 16 years ice cover during summer declined markedly. The critical threshold global mean warming may be between 0.5 to 2 degrees Celsius, but could already have been passed. One model shows a nonlinear transition to a potential new stable state with no arctic sea-ice during summer within a few decades.

                                              Intermediately sensitive tipping elements, large uncertainty:

                                              West Antarctic Ice Sheet – Recent gravity measurements suggest that the ice sheet is losing mass. Since most of the ice sheet is grounded below sea level the intrusion of ocean water could destabilize it. The tipping point could be reached with a local warming of five to eight degrees Celsius in summer. A worst case scenario shows the ice sheet could collapse within 300 years, possibly raising sea level by as much as five meters.

                                              Boreal forest – The northern forests exhibit a complex interplay between tree physiology, permafrost and fire. A global mean warming of three to five degrees Celsius could lead to large-scale dieback of the boreal forests within 50 years. Under climate change the trees would be exposed to increasing water stress and peak summer heat and would be more vulnerable to diseases. Temperate tree species will remain excluded due to frost damage in still very cold winters.

                                              Amazon rainforest – Global warming and deforestation will probably reduce rainfall in the region by up to 30 percent. Lengthening of the dry season, and increases in summer temperatures would make it difficult for the forest to re-establish. Models project dieback of the Amazon rainforest to occur under three to four degrees Celsius global warming within fifty years. Even land-use change alone could potentially bring forest cover to a critical threshold.

                                              El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) – The variability of this ocean-atmosphere mode is controlled by the layering of water of different temperatures in the Pacific Ocean and the temperature gradient across the equator. During the globally three degrees Celsius warmer early Pliocene ENSO may have been suppressed in favor of persistent El Niño or La Niña conditions. In response to a warmer stabilized climate, the most realistic models simulate increased El Niño amplitude with no clear change in frequency.

                                              Sahara/Sahel- and West African monsoon – The amount of rainfall is closely related to vegetation climate feedback and sea surface temperatures of the Atlantic Ocean. Greenhouse gas forcing is expected to increase Sahel rainfall. But a global mean warming of three to five degrees Celsius could cause a collapse of the West African monsoon. This could lead either to drying of the Sahel or to wetting due to increased inflow from the West. A third scenario shows a possible doubling of anomalously dry years by the end of the century.

                                              Indian summer monsoon – The monsoon circulation is driven by a land-to-ocean pressure gradient. Greenhouse warming tends to strengthen the monsoon since warmer air can carry more water. Air pollution and land-use that increases the reflection of sunlight tend to weaken it. The Indian summer monsoon could become erratic and in the worst case start to chaotically change between an active and a weak phase within a few years.

                                              Lowly sensitive tipping elements, intermediate uncertainty:

                                              Atlantic thermohaline circulation – The circulation of sea currents in the Atlantic Ocean is driven by seawater that flows to the North Atlantic, cools and sinks at high latitudes. If the inflow of freshwater increases, e.g. from rivers or melting glaciers, or the seawater is warmed, its density would decrease. A global mean warming of three to five degrees Celsius could push the element past the tipping point so that deep water formation stops. Under these conditions the North Atlantic current would be disrupted, sea level in the North Atlantic region would rise and the tropical rain belt would be shifted.

                                              Tipping elements in the Earth’s climate system

                                              回復至: 石油峰值——我們到了嗎? #4325
                                                World demand for oil and gas will outstrip supply within seven years, according to Royal Dutch Shell. The oil multinational is predicting that conventional supplies will not keep pace with soaring population growth and the rapid pace of economic development. Jeroen van der Veer, Shell’s chief executive, said in an e-mail to the company’s staff this week that output of conventional oil and gas was close to peaking. He wrote: “Shell estimates that after 2015 supplies of easy-to-access oil and gas will no longer keep up with demand.” The boss of the world’s second-largest oil company forecast that, regardless of government policy initiatives and investment in renewables, the world would need more nuclear power and unconventional fossil fuels, such as oil sands. “Using more energy inevitably means emitting more CO2 at a time when climate change has become a critical global issue,” he wrote.

                                                The Times: Shell chief fears oil shortage in seven years

                                                回復至: 野鳥專家並非主要 h5n1 病毒攜帶者 #3976

                                                  在首席獸醫約瑟夫·多梅內克如此輕易地指責野生鳥類傳播 H5N1 後,糧農組織的情況發生了很大轉變:

                                                  一位動物疾病專家週三表示,沒有確鑿的證據表明野生鳥類是 H5N1 病毒從亞洲明顯傳播到歐洲、非洲和中東部分地區的罪魁禍首。

                                                  聯合國糧食及農業組織禽流感國際野生動物協調員紐曼在曼谷舉行的禽流感會議上表示,也沒有證據顯示野生鳥類是 H5N1 病毒的宿主。

                                                  「我們知道,一些野生鳥類可能攜帶病毒短距離移動,然後死亡,但我們無法識別 H5N1 跨越大範圍空間距離的攜帶情況,然後導致傳播到其他鳥類並導致家禽群死亡。」紐曼告訴路透社。

                                                  他說,迄今為止,對全球約 35 萬隻健康鳥類進行的糞便檢測只得出了「少數」H5N1 陽性結果。


                                                  紐曼說:“因此,我們目前還沒有 H5N1 的野生動物宿主……因此它們不可能成為該疾病的主要傳播者。”



                                                  回復至: 全球暖化預測:災害、疾病 #4359




                                                    回復至: 全球變暖導致更多颶風? #4498

                                                      I’ve seen that numbers of west Pacific typhoons may decrease with global warming – as wind shear increases, so it’s harder for them to form. Now, first news I’ve noticed that maybe this will be true for Atlantic – albeit contentious. Must still wonder if warmer seas will lead to more strong storms (ie, powerful trop cyclones) – ie once they start forming, tend to become powerful, maybe fast.

                                                      Global warming could reduce how many hurricanes hit the United States, according to a new federal study that clashes with other research. The new study is the latest in a contentious scientific debate over how man-made global warming may affect the intensity and number of hurricanes. In it, researchers link warming waters, especially in the Indian and Pacific oceans, to increased vertical wind shear in the Atlantic Ocean near the United States. Wind shear — a change in wind speed or direction — makes it hard for hurricanes to form, strengthen and stay alive. So that means "global warming may decrease the likelihood of hurricanes making landfall in the United States," according to researchers at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Miami Lab and the University of Miami. … Critics say Wang’s study is based on poor data that was rejected by scientists on the Nobel Prize-winning Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. They said that at times only one in 10 North Atlantic hurricanes hit the U.S. coast and the data reflect only a small percentage of storms around the globe.

                                                      Study: Warming May Cut US Hurricane Hits

                                                      回復至: 全球變暖正在順利進行 #4317






                                                        回復至: 全球變暖的謊言和氣候變化的歇斯底里 #4495

                                                          An especially crass piece on some US website, Town Hall – by a guy who has no science background, but was lately "a litigator in high profile entertainment matters" – gets it completly wrong re warming, figuring the issue’s only about politics [it’s real if your a leftie: bizarre notion to me]. Not just hysteria, but paranoia as well; and profound, worrying ignorance about the world we live in – where actions do have consequences that can’t b willed away just because you wish the world was a certain way. Includes:

                                                          The Democrats (a.k.a. global warming wimps) have found the rhetorical weapon they will use for at least the next decade to decrease your liberty while increasing their power, and that weapon is the hysteria over global warming. … Environmental doomsaying is one of the most powerful tactics that liberals use to obtain and wield power. At its heart, the Democrat Party is a coalition of interest groups that feed at the trough of the government. The more power the politicians and bureaucrats have, the more contracts and benefits the groups can gobble up. … Everything you do has a carbon footprint and could be regulated by the government. If the Democrats have their way, you could face new limits on what you eat for breakfast, the way you travel to work, the computer on which you read Townhall.com, the medicines you take, the clothes you wear, the DVDs you watch, everything – everything! “Carbon footprint” is code for limitless government intrusion into every detail of your life.

                                                          Global Warming: The All-Purpose Farce to Control Your Life

                                                          回復至: 全球變暖正在順利進行 #4316



                                                            該研究的合著者、英國布里斯託大學的喬納森·班伯(Jonathan Bamber)表示,這些測量幾乎對整個大陸的海岸進行了調查,結果表明氣候模型低估了南極洲對持續的全球變暖的反應速度。

                                                            他們發現,整個南極洲的冰損失在十年間增加了約 75%,從 1996 年的每年 112 億噸冰增加到 2006 年的每年 196 億噸冰。


                                                            “我們不這麼認為。我們看到冰蓋正在失去質量,」他說。 “因此,冰蓋最近所做的事情以及未來可能發生的事情發生了一些範式轉變。”




                                                            回復至: 全球變暖威脅生物多樣性 #4381


                                                              德羅徹博士是加拿大埃德蒙頓大學的北極熊科學家。他也是 PBI 科學顧問委員會的成員。

                                                              各種帶有偏見的報導忽略或忽略了人口變化的不同原因。如果我認為現在的熊數量比 50 年前更多,並且有合理的基礎假設這種情況不會改變,那麼就不用擔心。不是這種情況。

                                                              這裡的底線是,這是一個蘋果和橘子的問題。對北極熊數量的早期估計只是一種猜測。根本沒有 1950-60 年代的數據。除了猜什麼都沒有。我們確信人口受到過度收穫的負面影響(例如,飛機狩獵、船隻狩獵、自殺槍、陷阱和無收穫限制)。收穫量巨大並且還在持續成長中。由此產生的熊數量較少只是由於收穫過多,但同樣,這只是對熊數量的猜測。






                                                              回復至: 全球變暖的謊言和氣候變化的歇斯底里 #4494

                                                                Here's another letter I've sent the South China Morning Post, responding to letter from Viscount Monckton.

                                                                Dear Sir: It was interesting to see that Viscount Monckton of Benchley – who once wrote an article titled "The Myth of Heterosexual AIDS", recommending quarantine for all HIV carriers – has written to the South China Morning Post, attempting to put the editors right regarding global warming.

                                                                Sadly, Monckton fails to muster arguments that make his case. Claiming global surface temperatures have not risen in a statistically significant sense since 2001, he omits to mention that NASA ranks 2005 the warmest year in over a century, and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) recently reported that "Eleven of the last twelve years (1995-2006) rank among the twelve warmest years in the instrumental record of global surface temperature (since 1850).”

                                                                Plus, in seeking a trend over just six years, Monckton has tumbled into his own trap of lacking statistical significance. The warming trend is clearly upwards, and the latest data suggests the rise is faster than previously estimated.

                                                                Monckton also refers to apparent anomalies in temperatures recorded in the tropical upper troposphere, and states that from these we now know that the relatively minor warming that ceased (sic) in 2001 was largely not caused by greenhouse gas emissions. Here, he ignores the large errors in upper troposphere temperature measurements. And – as so often with global warming "sceptics" – he ignores the mountain of scientific publications that show global warming resulting from greenhouse gas emissions is real and significant, and cherry picks from the molehill of science that suggests otherwise.

                                                                In concluding that no imposts should be inflicted upon us unless we are told how much they will cost and how much effect they will have, Monckton reveals his narrow knowledge of global warming. The IPCC has forecast that measures to mitigate the worst impacts of global warming could slow global GDP growth by an average of 0.12 percentage points. The Post was correct to write of a “planetary emergency”.

                                                                We are all effectively locked in a test tube, in surely the greatest experiment man has ever performed. If the worst projections come true, this will mean the transformation of life as we know it: a dire, apparently sci-fi scenario, yet a succession of news reports tell us of warming-related events that are unfolding at a startling pace. This is not a time for debating and waiting and seeing, but for action.

                                                                Yours faithfully, Dr Martin Williams

                                                                More on Monckton being untrustworthy, in a letter from the Clerk of Parliament no less, reproduced on Climate Shifts; includes:

                                                                My predecessor, Sir Michael Pownall, wrote to you on 21 July 2010, and again on 30 July 2010, asking that you cease claiming to be a Member of the House of Lords, either directly or by implication. It has been drawn to my attention that you continue to make such claims.

                                                                In particular, I have listened to your recent interview with Mr Adam Spencer on Australian radio. In response to the direct question, whether or not you were a Member of the House of Lords, you said “Yes, but without the right to sit or vote”. You later repeated, “I am a Member of the House”.

                                                                I must repeat my predecessor’s statement that you are not and have never been a Member of the House of Lords.

                                                                Monckton. Member of the House of Lords?

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