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      英國一兩個家禽養殖場爆發新的 H5N1 疫情,而且 - 你相信嗎! – 黛博拉·麥肯齊 (Deborah Mackenzie) 很快就暗示野生鳥類對此負有責任,儘管沒有任何證據:

      是野生鳥類的棲息地,距離濕地自然保護區 4 公里。


      秋天是鴨子的季節,它們可以攜帶 H5N1,但沒有任何症狀。


      同時,回到現實世界,倉促下結論的情況並不像在 DB 辦公桌上的家禽和農業出版物《New Sci》中那樣常見,《泰晤士報》報導:

      目前正在對從荷蘭進口的一日齡小鴨進行調查,以確定是否為 H5N1 禽流感病毒抵達英國的可能途徑。



      回復至: 全球變暖的謊言和氣候變化的歇斯底里 #4487

        BBC News website has strong series on global warming scepticism, by environment editor Rickard Black. One article looks at supposed bias within science against sceptics, who like to allege their views are muffled. Includes:

        Of all the accusations made by the vociferous community of climate sceptics, surely the most damaging is that science itself is biased against them. … I invited sceptics to put their cards on the table, and send me documentation or other firm evidence of bias. … Stefan Rahmstorf from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research in Germany, who is something of an anti-hero to sceptics’ groups as he believes IPCC projections of sea-level rise are far too conservative, had heard this argument before, and he wrote in telling me it was far from convincing. "How likely is it that my funding would suffer if I found a good alternative explanation for the observed global warming, or that I would have trouble publishing it (assuming it would be methodologically sound, of course)?" he asked. "Quite the contrary, I would see it as a path to certain fame! Scientists always strive to find something radically new and different – just reconfirming what is already quite well-known is boring, and certainly will not get you the Nobel Prize. … The sum total of evidence obtained through this open invitation, then, is one first-hand claim of bias in scientific journals, not backed up by documentary evidence; and three second-hand claims, two well-known and one that the scientist in question does not consider evidence of anti-sceptic feeling. No-one said they had been refused a place on the IPCC, the central global body in climate change, or denied a job or turned down for promotion or sacked or refused access to a conference platform, or indeed anything else. If there is an anti-sceptic bias running through the institutions of science, it is evidently keeping itself well hidden. … But I will say this; if someone persistently claims to be a great football player, and yet fails to find the net when you put him in front of an open goal, you cannot do other than doubt his claim.

        Climate science: Sceptical about bias

        回復至: 煤炭的未來是確定的,但碳捕獲了一個想法 #4512


          煤炭價格低廉且資源豐富,已成為世界大部分地區的首選燃料,推動了中國和印度的經濟繁榮,使數百萬人擺脫了貧困。到 2030 年,全球需求預計將成長約 60%,達到每年 69 億噸,其中大部分將流向發電廠。但燃煤的成長也導致了全球暖化,並與酸雨和氣喘等環境和健康問題有關。據世界衛生組織稱,空氣污染導致超過 200 萬人過早死亡。華盛頓大學的大氣科學家丹·賈菲(Dan Jaffe)表示:「毫無疑問,煤炭是迄今為止最骯髒的污染物。」他在俄勒岡州巴塞爾山和華盛頓州奇卡峰的監測點檢測到了來自亞洲的污染物。 “從各方面來看,這都是一種非常糟糕的燃料。” ……

          面對上海和北京等主要城市的清潔壓力,特別是在明年北京奧運前夕,中央政府越來越多地轉向山西等省份來滿足國家的電力需求。美國智庫「未來資源」的高級研究員拉馬南·拉克斯米納拉揚說:「他們考察了太原等污染嚴重的地方,說那裡污染嚴重,所以即使再建五座發電廠也沒關係。」太原的空氣污染和入院人數上升。 「我參觀了這些發電廠,沒有污染控制的概念,」他說。 「他們笑著問,『為什麼你希望我們安裝污染控制設備?』」根據世界銀行的報告,世界上 30 個污染最嚴重的城市中有 20 個位於中國。報告稱,與空氣污染相關的健康成本每年總計$680億,接近該國經濟產出的4%。中國人大高級官員盛華仁去年表示,酸雨已經污染了中國三分之一的地區。據說每年毀壞價值約$40億的農作物。世界衛生組織國家代表亨克貝克達姆說:“我們在中國面臨的是巨大的經濟增長,而且……中國正在為此付出代價。” “從環境角度來看,他們的成長是不可持續的。好消息是他們意識到了這一點。壞消息是他們依賴煤炭作為能源。”

          但成本遠遠超出了中國。發電廠的煙塵加劇了全球暖化,因為煤炭排放的二氧化碳幾乎是天然氣的兩倍。德州農工大學的研究人員發現,過去 20 年來,來自中國和印度的空氣污染,雲層覆蓋和太平洋主要風暴增加了 20% 至 50%。 ……「每個人都知道煤炭很髒,但中國沒有辦法擺脫煤炭,」世界銀行的趙建平在北京表示。 “它必須在未來的歲月裡依賴它,直到人類能夠找到新的神奇解決方案。”



          回復至: 全球變暖的謊言和氣候變化的歇斯底里 #4486

            Over on ICECAP – some website I hadn’t heard of that likes to decry global warming – there’s short item by John Coleman that’s attracted attention on right-wing blogs and in the Daily Telegraph.


            It is the greatest scam in history. I am amazed, appalled and highly offended by it. Global Warming; It is a SCAM. Some dastardly scientists with environmental and political motives manipulated long term scientific data to create an illusion of rapid global warming. Other scientists of the same environmental whacko type jumped into the circle to support and broaden the “research” to further enhance the totally slanted, bogus global warming claims. …

            I am telling you Global Warming is a non-event, a manufactured crisis and a total scam. I say this knowing you probably won’t believe a me, a mere TV weatherman …

            I have read dozens of scientific papers. I have talked with numerous scientists. I have studied. I have thought about it. I know I am correct.

            Weather Channel Founder: Global Warming ‘Greatest Scam in History’

            Ah, he’s read "dozens of papers".

            And this the man who has been quoted as saying "Being a TV weatherman in San Diego is an outrageous scam," John Coleman

            Now, the Daily Telegraph ran article on Coleman’s thoughts, w article calling him "Weather Channel boss" – not noticing, it seems, he was turfed out of the Weather Channel some years ago, and the channel now presents info on global warming issue. Ah well, seems Coleman’s effort has proved another straw to clutch at for global warming denialists.

            One more thing that occurred to me, after seeing re Coleman: denialists seem to often be getting on in years; maybe they care little re the future, figuring they won’t see much of it, so doesn’t really matter what they say or write.

            回復至: 陝西拍攝到野生華南虎 #4506






              週曾是一名獵人,他在省林業局計劃於 10 月 12 日召開老虎再現新聞發布會的前一天拒絕公佈自己的照片,這也引起了更多懷疑。



              回復至: 全球變暖的謊言和氣候變化的歇斯底里 #4485

                News piece on Canada.com has some pretty damning looking claims re IPCC, by one Vivian Gray. Includes:

                Dr. Gray’s mission, in his new role as cofounder of The New Zealand Climate Science Coalition, is to stop the IPCC from spreading climate-change propaganda that undermines the integrity of science.

                “The whole process is a swindle,” he states, in large part because the IPCC has a blinkered mandate that excludes natural causes of global warming.

                Dr. Gray is one of the 2,000 to 2,500 top scientists from around the world whom the IPCC often cites as forming the basis of its findings. No one has been a more faithful reviewer than Dr. Gray over the years — he has been an IPCC expert almost from the start, and perhaps its most prolific contributor, logging almost 1,900 comments on the IPCC’s final draft of its most recent report alone.

                Dr. Gray was asked to endorse this [IPCC] reform effort, but he refused, saying: “The IPCC is fundamentally corrupt. The only ‘reform’ I could envisage would be its abolition.”

                IPCC too blinkered and corrupt to save

                I hadn’t heard of Vincent Gray. Did a bit of googling, and noticed that – like me – he has a PhD in chemistry from Cambridge University; so far so good, perhaps.
                But then, found a short profile on DeSmogBlog – where it says

                A search of 22,000 academic journals shows that Gray has never been published in a peer-reviewed journal on the subject of climate change. Gray has published peer-reviewed scientific work on coal with the last article being published 17 years ago.

                Listed as a member of the Scientific Advisory Committee for the Natural Resource Stewardship Project (NRSP), a lobby organization that refuses to disclose it’s funding sources. The NRSP is led by executive director Tom Harris and Dr. Tim Ball. [oh dear, Dr Tim who’s prone to Ballocks – see above]

                Vincent Gray
                – hmm, a member of a committee that refuses to disclose funding sources… – and the IPCC is corrupt, eh?

                回復至: 全球變暖的謊言和氣候變化的歇斯底里 #4484

                  A scientific paper that’s just out says that it’s impossible to predict with certainty just how bad climate change will be (I’ve posted to new thread re this). Led to one of the most stupid blog posts I’ve seen, on American "Thinker". Includes:

                  an entire Global Warming fraud industry has grown up, based on years of pseudo-scientific false alarms, and feeding scare headlines without end around the world. But the science is finally clear: Any reasonable evidence [sic] is not only missing, but can in principle not be obtained in a system as complex as the earth climate. End of story — at least among scientists with a shred of integrity left.

                  SCIENCE: Earth climate is too complex to predict Well, what bone-headed, crass crap. Not only does the writer confuse "reasonable evidence" with information needed for detailed modelling, but he also gets whole argument utterly wrong – as well as being curiously selective in what science he likes: ie most climate change science wrong, but when paper re uncertainty comes out it’s correct. I’ve posted to the writer’s blog:

                  Suppose some pinko-liberal or even commie country were to go to war with the US of A – exactly how many people would die? Or even if some terrorists let off a few dirty bombs in some US cities, how many would die now and in future, inc from side effects? You can’t predict for sure? Then – according to your absurd piece on American Idiot (Thinker? – hahahaha, gimme a break) these are not real threats, and we shouldn’t do anything to prevent them happening.
                  回復至: 布希反科學家與全球暖化的困惑 #4401




                    這位官員表示,雖然在白宮審查中改變證詞是慣例,但這些改變尤其“嚴厲”,文件從原來的 14 頁減少到了 4 頁。提交給參議院委員會的文件有六頁。



                    ABC 新聞也報導了這個故事;報告內容包括:


                    ABC 新聞獲得的美國疾病管制與預防中心 (CDC) 主任 Julie Gerberding 博士向國會提交的未經編輯的證詞原件長達 14 頁,但白宮管理和預算辦公室對最終版本進行了編輯。到只有六頁。



                    回復至: 全球變暖正在順利進行 #4311

                      Altnet 上有趣的訪談記錄;包括比爾麥基本 (Bill McKibben) http://www.stepitup2007.org 說:






                      回復至: 全球變暖威脅生物多樣性 #4378



                        約克大學和利茲大學的科學家研究了過去 5.2 億年(幾乎整個化石記錄)之間的氣候與生物多樣性之間的關係,並首次發現了兩者之間的關聯。當地球溫度處於「溫室」氣候階段時,他們發現滅絕率相對較高。相反,在較涼爽的“冰室”條件下,生物多樣性增加。

                        今天發表在《英國皇家學會學報 B》上的研究結果表明,人為氣候變遷導致地球溫度迅速上升的預測可能會對生物多樣性產生類似的影響。



                        回復至: 二氧化碳排放量加速 #4464

                          More grim news, in Scientific American website:

                          The world may finally acknowledge that global warming is a major environmental hazard. But new research shows that reducing the main greenhouse gas behind it may be even more difficult than previously believed. The reason: the world’s oceans and forests, which scientists were counting on to help hold off catastrophic rises in carbon dioxide, are already so full of CO2 that they are losing their ability to absorb this climate change culprit.

                          “For every ton of CO2 emitted [into] the atmosphere, the natural sinks are removing less carbon than before,” says biologist Josep “Pep” Canadell, executive director of the Global Carbon Project—an Australia–based research consortium devoted to analyzing the pollution behind global warming. “This trend will continue into the future.”

                          Specifically, oceans and plant growth absorbed only around 540 kilograms per metric ton (1,190 pounds per short ton) of the CO2 produced in 2006, compared with 600 kilograms per metric ton (1,322 pounds per short ton) in 2000. Coupled with an emissions growth rate of 3.3 percent—triple the growth rate of the 1990s—the atmospheric burden is now rising by nearly two parts per million of CO2 a year, the fastest growth rate since 1850, the international team of researchers reports in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA.

                          Climate Change Pollution Rising—Thanks to Overwhelmed Oceans and Plants

                          回復至: 全球變暖的謊言和氣候變化的歇斯底里 #4483

                            Newsbonkers (err, Newsbusters) perhaps a perennial place of silliness re global warming: never mind science, let’s try n blast liberals. Tho complains of liberal bias in (US) media, got a couple of items appreciating a tv report trotting out stale arguments and same old scientists (err, Timothy Ball as a climate change expert? puhleaze, good for Ballocks is all), and arguing climate change is a none issue. In one item, mysteriously says: "Despite recent developments, man can’t control the weather, much less the climate. " Err, Hello – we’re not talking about controlling the climate; this is about changing it adversely, by accident. Got some posters who might be trying to be comedians, or perhaps are serious, with things like:

                            You have to watch these liberals when they talk about the children. It’s obvious they’ve found a way to indoctrinate them, to their way of thinking, and it’s going to be difficult to make them look at the truth. … On this issue, we’re going to have to depend on foreign countries to bring us the truth.

                            – and which foreign countries might these be, what with the US being one of most backwards nations re climate change? North Korea, perhaps? see this and other daftness at: John Stossel Questions Inconvenient Truths on MSM View of Global Warming

                            回復至: 全球變暖威脅生物多樣性 #4377


                              森林覆蓋的山坡通常充滿紅色、橙色和黃色,近年來才勉強顯露出它們的顏色,許多樹木從夏末的暗綠色直接變成深秋的鐵鏽棕色,幾乎沒有停止過更明亮的色調。佛蒙特州本地人、佛蒙特大學植物生物學家湯姆·沃格曼 (Tom Vogelmann) 說:“現在已經完全不同了。”他說秋天變得太溫暖,無法呈現新英格蘭最豐富的色彩。根據國家氣象局的數據,過去四年中,每年 9 月和 10 月,伯靈頓的氣溫都高於 30 年平均水平,但 2004 年 10 月除外,當時的氣溫低於平均 0.2 度。 ……溫暖的秋季和冬季對侵襲某些樹木的真菌很有利,特別是提供最耀眼顏色的紅楓和糖楓。新罕布夏大學林業教授巴里洛克說:“葉子會脫落,但不會變成橙色、黃色或紅色。它們只是從綠色變成棕色。”


                              回復至: 全球變暖威脅生物多樣性 #4376
                                今年夏季和秋季,世界上約 10% 的巴利阿里海鷗造訪了英國近海水域,僅在康沃爾郡 Land's End 附近的一個觀察點就記錄到了 1,200 多隻鳥類。



                                「就在20年前,巴利阿里海鷗還很少出現在西南水域,但現在在英國各地的海岬上經常能看到它們的蹤跡。自 2003 年以來,我們甚至開始看到鳥類在康沃爾郡和錫利群島附近度過整個冬天,這是與冬季海水溫度升高有關的全新現象,」韋恩博士說。



                                回復至: 全球變暖的謊言和氣候變化的歇斯底里 #4482

                                  The Conservative Voice – a US website – carries one of the battiest articles by a skeptic I’ve seen yet. Attempts to attack Al Gore, but just looks seriously off-kilter. Includes guff like:

                                  Gore is an embarrassment to the nation and should be recognized for being a despotic fool not someone who promoted the cause of peace. … Al Gore is a lying demagogue. Only fools like the mainstream media and left wing Marxist idiots would believe such a brain-dead imbecile or a shrewd conniving political exploiter. Global warming is a fool’s folly. Al, “We the People” are not idiots. … Folks, carbon gases and man causing global warming just ain’t so regardless how many people say it is. We the People will suffer greatly if we don’t realize what the Al Gore global warming agenda really is. Gore is promoting a communist one world order through international taxation and control over nation states. It will destroy us.

                                  The article is peppered with quotes, including from Adolf Hitler and fellow Nazi Paul Joseph Goebbels – and, bizarrely, Carl Sagan. Sagan quoted saying, “One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It is simply too painful to acknowledge — even to ourselves — that we’ve been so credulous.” – Freudian slip by the article writer? – as Carl Sagan was among the first scientists to warn of the perils of global warming, and our writer clearly a bamboozled chap. Lest you want to read this codswallop, it’s at: Al Gore’s Global Warming Lies



                                    阿爾·戈爾 (Al Gore) 2001 年卸任時,關於全球暖化的科學共識與今天有很大不同。



                                    麻薩諸塞州海洋生物實驗室生態系統中心主任傑瑞‧梅利洛(Jerry Melillo)說:「其中有許多科學道理讓人難以反駁。」他曾幫忙撰寫政府間氣候變遷專門委員會的報告。





                                      – 看到酸葡萄心理和右翼白痴的狙擊是多麼令人難過;現在甚至懶得連結到這些東西

                                      回復至: 全球變暖正在順利進行 #4310

                                        英國科學家發表的論文稱,從 1976 年到 2004 年,當世界平均表面溫度上升 0.49 攝氏度(0.9 華氏度)時,全球大氣水蒸氣含量上升了 2.2%。




                                        回復至: 布希反科學家與全球暖化的困惑 #4400

                                          喬治「沃默」布希在歷史上不會留下好印象,尤其是他的環境記錄。 《亞特蘭大憲法報》發表了一篇簡短但嚴厲的文章,講述了布希及其搖搖欲墜的軟弱情緒的重新升溫。包括:

                                          在他的任期內,總統首先試圖否認越來越多的全球暖化的科學證據。後來,當否認不再可能時,他試圖淡化其重要性。即使現在,採取行動的必要性就像冰川融化一樣明顯,他仍然否認應對這項挑戰的責任。 ……作為 2000 年的候選人,布希支持 1997 年關於氣候變遷的《京都議定書》,並在競選過程中承諾將碳排放視為污染物。然而,當選後,他變成了一個冷嘲熱諷的全球暖化懷疑論者,然後變成了一個冷漠的笨手笨腳的人。他領導的國家產生了全球 25% 的溫室氣體,但拒絕在解決這個問題方面發揮決定性的領導作用。不幸的是,全球暖化的速度比總統快得多,也比科學家最初預測的快得多。



                                          回復至: 全球變暖威脅生物多樣性 #4375
                                            數千隻海像出現在阿拉斯加西北海岸,自然資源保護主義者稱這是全球暖化導致北極海冰融化的嚴重後果。阿拉斯加的海象,尤其是繁殖中的雌性海象,在夏季和秋季通常出現在北極冰層上。但有紀錄以來最低的夏季冰蓋使海冰遠離外大陸棚以北,外大陸棚是白令海和楚科奇海淺層、生物豐富的海底大陸棚。海像以蛤、蝸牛和其他海底生物為食。考慮到是在 630 英尺潛水範圍之外的水面上的冰平台還是岸上的聚集點之間進行選擇,成千上萬的海象選擇了阿拉斯加的岩石海灘。 「在我看來,動物正在改變分佈以尋找獵物,」聯邦海洋哺乳動物委員會執行董事蒂姆·雷根說。 “最大的問題是它們是否能夠在它們尋找的區域找到足夠的獵物。”根據科羅拉多大學博爾德分校國家冰雪資料中心的數據,9 月的海冰比 1979 年至 2000 年的長期平均值低 39%。海冰覆蓋面積呈螺旋式下降,可能已經超過了無冰點。高級科學家馬克‧塞雷茲(Mark Serreze) 表示,到2030 年夏季,北冰洋可能會出現無冰狀態。從 7 月開始,數千隻海象放棄了冰袋,前往巴羅和利斯本角之間的聚集點(阿拉斯加海岸線綿延 300 英里的偏遠地區)。


                                            回復至: 全球變暖對媒體來說是一個棘手的問題 #4413




                                              回復至: 全球變暖正在順利進行 #4309





                                                為了應對日益惡化的局勢,聯合國人道主義事務協調辦公室(約翰爵士聘用的聯合國秘書處的一部分)今年迄今已發出 13 項緊急「緊急」呼籲。這個數字比 2005 年(之前的紀錄保持者)多了 3 個。

                                                兩年前,奧查處理的國際災難中只有一半與氣候有關;今年,13 項緊急呼籲中除一項外,其餘所有呼籲都與氣候相關。 “


                                                回復至: ESPN 明星運動板球有時會直播 #4500

                                                  Reply from Now TV:


                                                  With regards to your message, we are sorry to learn of your
                                                  disappointment to our Cricket Channel. Please be adivsed that your
                                                  valuable feedback has already been channeled back to the relevant
                                                  department for further review . Rest assured we would use it as
                                                  reference to future improvement, and make necessary enhancement to
                                                  ensure such quality standard is met.

                                                  回復至: 全球變暖的謊言和氣候變化的歇斯底里 #4481

                                                    I’ve never really liked Bjorn Lomborg, who shot to fame as supposed former environmentalist w claims that should we attempt to combat warming, we’d waste money that could be used to help the world in other ways. Always struck me as being rather like saying well, the house may be on fire but battling the fire will be tough, and would mean we couldn’t do so much work to re-paint the walls and improve the upholstery – and anyway, some people say the fire won’t be too bad. Strikes me, too, as very self important fellow. Already seen his claims re being former environmentalist even dodgier than Timothy Ball’s re being expert on man-made climate change. Knew of new Lomborg book; haven’t even laid eyes on it. Glad to see review in Globe and Mail that slams the book – tho sadly, the idiots who take comfort in Lomborgism will surely like the book, which can help them continue living in fools’ paradise where can drive SUVs and burn and consume and burn without consequence. From the review:

                                                    In high-school biology class, we used to do an experiment with fruit flies. You put flies and food in a jar, screw the top on tight and wait to see what happens as the flies reproduce like mad. The goal is to see at what point the limits of the jar – air, food, space – begin to affect the ability of the fruit flies to exist. At some point, the jar becomes inhospitable and the flies die en masse. If Bjorn Lomborg, Danish author of Cool It: The Skeptical Environmentalist’s Guide to Global Warming, were to write up that high-school experiment, he would focus on the point just before the flies began to hit the limits. He would wax on about how the population of flies had never been stronger, trot out statistics to show how astoundingly well the population had reproduced over time, and gush boyishly about the excellent living conditions in the jar. … he would be correct on carefully selected points of fact, but fatally incorrect about the larger picture, or the meaning of the information he was looking at. This is the trick he plays in Cool It, and it is the same tack he took in The Skeptical Environmentalist: Measuring the Real State of the World (2001). … He’s not a scientist, and the book of science, alas, is closed to him. His work betrays, embarrassingly, that he doesn’t understand biology or how living systems work or any of the basic principles of scientific inquiry. … Lomborg has now proved beyond a doubt that he is incapable of contributing anything of merit to scientific discourse.

                                                    The Pollyanna of global warming

                                                    回復至: 全球暖化預測:災害、疾病 #4357

                                                      Alternet 有一長串來自美國進步中心的全球暖化的預測。有一些看起來微不足道;最嚴重的。包括:

                                                      向保加利亞妓女短缺問題問好。 「保加利亞的妓院老闆將員工短缺歸咎於全球暖化。他們聲稱他們最好的女孩都在滑雪勝地工作,因為缺雪迫使遊客去尋找其他樂趣。

                                                      物種消失。世界自然保護聯盟的最新報告稱,世界上至少 40% 的物種正受到威脅…而全球暖化是罪魁禍首之一。

                                                      格陵蘭島正在融化。格陵蘭島正在以每年 52 立方英里的速度融化——比之前的預測快得多。如果格陵蘭島250萬立方公里的冰全部融化,將導致全球海平面上升7.2米,即超過23英尺。


                                                      世界支票簿。塔夫茨大學全球發展與環境研究所的研究發現,到 2100 年,忽視全球暖化最終將造成 $20 兆美元的損失。

                                                      全球暖化將改變您生活的 100 種方式


                                                        波浪能似乎很有前途,有助於減少對燃燒化石燃料的依賴。英國廣播公司 (BBC) 報告了將在蘇格蘭啟動的大型測試計畫。

                                                        世界上最大的波浪能項目之一即將在奧克尼群島海岸揭幕。首席部長 Alex Salmond 將在斯特羅姆內斯的歐洲海洋能源中心 (EMEC) 開設新的潮汐能測試設施。該場地將安裝四個波浪能轉換器,可為 2,000 戶家庭發電。據說該中心是世界上第一個提供專用測試設施的中心。




                                                          自由漂浮或繫留的垂直管道,以增加溫躍層以下營養豐富的水域與海洋表面相對貧瘠的水域的混合…。將水泵入管道(例如,長 100 至 200 公尺、直徑 10 公尺、下端有一個單向瓣閥,透過波浪運動進行泵水)會給地表水中的藻類施肥並促進它們繁殖。這將抽出二氧化碳並產生二甲硫醚,這是形成反射陽光的雲的原子核的前體。


                                                          回復至: 布希反科學家與全球暖化的困惑 #4399







                                                            回復至: 全球變暖的謊言和氣候變化的歇斯底里 #4480

                                                              Really, many a global warming "skeptic" should be more laughable than treated as if serious people. Retired Canadian professor Timothy Ball makes a strong bid for being among the more comical denialists.

                                                              Heck, I have a thread here suggesting Comical Ali has been recruited to say global warming isn't real, but a few minutes reading about Timothy Ball and find he almost outdoes Comical Ali.

                                                              I just noticed Timothy Ball's name in news item on National Geographic; this includes:

                                                              Timothy Ball chairs the Scientific Advisory Committee for the Natural Resources Stewardship Project, a federally incorporated nonprofit in Canada. He says his skepticism is based on assumptions about global warming that have never been confirmed. "In this case it is assumed carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas that will trap heat in the atmosphere, that the levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide will increase because of human industrial activity and specifically the burning of fossil fuels, and that atmospheric carbon dioxide will double," he said. Ball said that this hypothesis became fact before the research had begun, "because it fit a political agenda and the views of the environmentalists."


                                                              Reading this, looked like some Ballocks in these quotes; including the very strange "it is assumed that carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas that will trap heat in the atmosphere".

                                                              Note to ex-Prof Ball – and Nat Geo news team: carbon dioxide is a known greenhouse gas that traps heat in the atmosphere. See, for instance: NCDC:Greenhouse Gases from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

                                                              Interesting, too, that Ball alleges the greenhouse effect hypothesis had political origins. Yet, read a little and soon find Ball is associated with groups etc funded by oil industry money. One of them dubbed Friends of Science – a name George Orwell could have loved, as questions science change, does not disclose funding sources yet perhaps gets money from oil industry etc. Friends of Science – Wikipedia entry

                                                              There's strong article by Charles Montgomery, which first appeared in the Globe and Mail, centred on Timothy Ball. Includes:

                                                              Leaders throughout Europe have accepted the IPCC position on climate change, and have been looking for ways to take collective action, primarily via the Kyoto Accord. Yet North Americans have lagged behind, hamstrung by a lingering debate in the media and among politicians about climate science. … who are the donors? No one will say. "[The money's] not exclusively from the oil and gas industry," says Prof. Cooper. "It's also from foundations and individuals. I can't tell you the names of those companies, or the foundations for that matter, or the individuals."

                                                              When pushed in another interview, however, Prof. Cooper admits, "There were some oil companies." [PR Company boss James Hoggan, who has couple of people investigating skeptics' funding]: 'I don't think that the people who are involved in this should be able to get away with it. My goal is to find out as much as we can about these people and make it public. Who are they? Who is paying them? What motivates them? How is it they can sleep at night?" '

                                                              Mr. Cool Nurturing doubt about climate change is big business

                                                              See also brief Bio of Ball, w some of his Ballocks, on DeSmogBlog. Dr. Tim Ball: The Lie that Just Won't Die

                                                              From here and other info, soon find he can't even get basic facts about himself right, let alone re warming: has claimed to have been a professor for 32 year – true figure, 8 years; and to have the first PhD in climatology, when others had such PhDs before him: and his PhD in science/geography.

                                                              Plus, maybe only four papers published in peer reviewed journals; none dealing with human impacts on climate; none since he retired in 1996. Hardly seems the right guy, then, to make assertions like "The majority of the scientists who are on the Kyoto and global warming bandwagon know nothing about the science…"

                                                              Err, Doc Ball – do you happen to have a mirror handy? – look in it and you might recognise yourself here.

                                                              Update, 21 January 2011: ex-Prof Ball has been peddling more twaddle, in Canada Free Press – which seems a bastion of denialism, yet has clearly found Ball proved too outlandish even for this stance:

                                                              On January 10, 2011, Canada Free Press began publishing on this website an article by Dr. Tim Ball entitled “Corruption of Climate Change Has Created 30 Lost Years” which contained untrue and disparaging statements about Dr. Andrew Weaver, who is a professor in the School of Earth and Ocean Sciences at the University of Victoria, British Columbia.

                                                              Contrary to what was stated in Dr. Ball’s article, Dr. Weaver: (1) never announced he will not participate in the next IPCC; (2) never said that the IPCC chairman should resign; (3) never called for the IPCC’s approach to science to be overhauled; and (4) did not begin withdrawing from the IPCC in January 2010. 

                                                              As a result of a nomination process that began in January, 2010, Dr. Weaver became a Lead Author for Chapter 12: “Long-term Climate Change: Projections, Commitments and Irreversibility” of the Working Group I contribution to the Fifth Assessment Report of the IPCC.”  That work began in May, 2010.  Dr. Ball’s article failed to mention these facts although they are publicly-available.

                                                              Dr. Tim Ball also wrongly suggested that Dr. Weaver tried to interfere with his presentation at the University of Victoria by having his students deter people from attending and heckling him during the talk.  CFP accepts without reservation there is no basis for such allegations. 

                                                              CFP also wishes to dissociate itself from any suggestion that Dr. Weaver “knows very little about climate science.”  We entirely accept that he has a well-deserved international reputation as a climate scientist and that Dr. Ball’s attack on his credentials is unjustified.

                                                              CFP sincerely apologizes to Dr. Weaver and expresses regret for the embarrassment and distress caused by the unfounded allegations in the article by Dr. Ball.

                                                              Apology to Dr. Andrew Weaver

                                                              Yikes! I haven't seen original article, but seems only thing Ball got right in his piece was Dr Weaver's name!

                                                              回復至: 全球變暖對媒體來說是一個棘手的問題 #4412



                                                                在引用 Timothy Ball 的話時,你是否檢查過他和 NSRC:
                                                                請參閱 Ball 的 DeSmogBlog 簡介,說:
                                                                什麼樣的「專家」發表的論文只能查到4篇;過去 11 年沒有原創性研究,儘管多產「流行」文章,並且是在公開資金和/或與石油行業資金有密切聯繫的團體中?




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