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- 29 March 2010 at 2:37 pm #3569
Welcome to the new season 2010 of the "Close-to-Storks" Project.
Email from Eva Stets, re White Storks about to nest in Poland – at a nest you can view online, with webcam.
Quote:In the evening, on March 24, a couple of storks came to our nest – some days earlier than in previous seasons.One of the storks has a black ring above the right knee. At the first mating, which occured very quickly, it turned out that the ringed stork is a male. This is certainly not a male from the previous year, who had no ring.
It is possible that the new male is an “Aggressor”, who last year tried to take over the nest (unsuccessfully). In the struggle he was injured (fortunately not too seriously), and he could not fly. Local vet cured and released him after several days. During convalescence of the stork Pawel T. Dolata ringed him above the right knee with a black ring "ELSA"-type (as distinct from the young storks, which was ringed above the left knees). Three times more the same intruder appeared in the nest to spend the night together with the frightened young storks; in that time they were almost ready to fly. For some reason, he delighted this nest especially.
But as long as the ring is not read, we can not be absolutely sure that this is the same stork.
It seems that the new couple decided to stay in our nest for the present breeding season.
We invite you to observe events in our stork-nest on our website: http://www.bociany.ec.pl .
Also We invite you to our forum to the small english part: http://www.bocianyzprzygodzic.pun.pl/viewtopic.php?pid=21964#p21964
Some shot videos from our stork from the date 24.03.2010 you can see here: http://bocianyzprzygodzic.pun.pl/viewtopic.php?pid=21837#p21837
Best regards from the project "Close to Storks"
Eva Stets
28 April 2010 at 4:16 pm #4695Time pass so quickly from my last news and we have nice observations’ of our Storks from the site http://www.bociany.ec.pl , but here first I must to write something more about our Storks in Poland , in Przygodzice.
After re sighting of the ELSA ring number by telescope on 27th March, Pawel T. Dolata was a 100% sure, that our new male is last-year bird called "Aggressor" ringed as adult by me (ELSA tarsus ring) last spring after unsuccessful attack for this nest and previous owners. You can read about in my posts from last year (https://www.drmartinwilliams.com/conservation-and-environment/white-storks-in-poland-in-real-time.html) or see also with date: 16.07.2009 on link: http://bocianyzprzygodzic.pun.pl/viewtopic.php?pid=18286#p18286
On Tsech ornithology site but in English version – you can read very interesting article of the coordinator of our project, Mr. Pawel T. Dolata about our storks and what was last year with the male who is this year in our nest. There are some photos from now and before (I hope you will like it): http://www.vcpcso.cz/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=436%3Azajimave-osudy-agresora-samce-apa-bileho-z-przygodzic-v-polsku-&catid=107%3Azajimavosti&lang=en
On link photos here you can see the male with black ring and how easy is now to recognize the couple:
Best regards
Eva Stets
Member of the project “Close to Storks”
28 April 2010 at 4:46 pm #4697As you can understand from last post up – the new couple decided to stay in our nest for the present breeding season and soon the female laying five eggs (any second day, between 48-50 h)
– The 1st egg was observed for the first time on 1st April, 21:28h, you can see photos on: http://www.bocianyzprzygodzic.pun.pl/viewtopic.php?id=484&p=4
– The 2nd egg was observed for the first time on 3rd April, 21:26h, photos on:
– The 3rd egg has been noticed on 5 April 2010, 20:50h
Some photos you can see here: http://www.bocianyzprzygodzic.pun.pl/viewtopic.php?pid=22704#p22704
– The 4th egg has been noticed on 7 April 2010, 21:37h
Pictures you can see on: http://www.bocianyzprzygodzic.pun.pl/viewtopic.php?pid=22871#p22871
Short videos you can see on: http://www.bocianyzprzygodzic.pun.pl/viewtopic.php?pid=22791#p22791
– The 5th egg has been noticed on 9 April 2010, 23:53h
Photos and video you can see on: http://bocianyzprzygodzic.pun.pl/viewtopic.php?id=480&p=3
In our Stork site http://www.bociany.ec.pl/if you click for the British flag, after you can read some more about the project "Close to Storks" with some information's from the past and this season.
Also in this site (little down) is a date from any laying eggs this year. If you click on any date – you can see some more – the post is in polish, but there is also many photos to see all – how was all the procedure with any eggs this year.
Here I pas few links to some nice photos from the nest:
http://www.allegaleria.pl/images/jvt5ukeyfgk363vpc4q4.jpg http://www.allegaleria.pl/images/pmlkqebcsdx1hwmnv9hs.jpg
http://www.allegaleria.pl/images/2a2djq0fymqufhp9sbo9.jpg http://www.allegaleria.pl/images/vly6yyu9lcra4dt3qqj.jpg
http://www.allegaleria.pl/images/umww7ifwrkkp323ogag.jpg http://www.allegaleria.pl/images/23spbhpj0s960l1r9xa.jpg
Best regards
Eva Stets
1 May 2010 at 5:41 pm #4698Now, after few days we will wait for the small storks.
We can wait the young’s storks hatching 33-35 days after when the 1st egg was laying.
For example years before was:
2006 – The 1st chick was hatched after 34 days
2007 – after 35 days
2008 – after 35
2009 – after 34 days.
This year the 1st egg was laying on 1 April, so as you can see – the date to see the small storks is near.
As I write up the young's will hatching 33-35 days after when the 1st egg was laying, so it can be from 3-5 May for the first small.
Until this nice moment we have to wait and see what will happen
I wish you good observations on http://www.bociany.ec.pl
Down is a links to some photos with care (yet) of the eggs:
Best regards
Eva Stets
6 May 2010 at 4:35 am #4700Anonymous
6 May 2010, 4.08 morning – The first chick hatched
Some more photos you can see here: http://www.bocianyzprzygodzic.pun.pl/viewtopic.php?pid=23868#p23868 Short video with the moment when we see our first chick is here: http://www.bocianyzprzygodzic.pun.pl/viewtopic.php?pid=23870#p23870 Now we will waiting for the second which must come soon. You can see it all live on: http://www.bociany.ec.pl Regards Eva Stets
7 May 2010 at 4:07 am #4701As I write in post up: 6 May 2010, 4.08 morning – The first chick hatched
After few houers the second small strok has hatched. It was the same day – 6 May 2010 and 12:35 (Polish time)
So, now will waiting for the 3th small stork on: http://www.bociany.ec.pl
You can see some picture from the moments with the second chick here: http://www.bocianyzprzygodzic.pun.pl/viewtopic.php?pid=23871#p23871
Also video you can see here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDGYxmmuNlg
Best regards
Eva Stets
7 May 2010 at 7:33 am #47027 May 2010 early morning and we are waiting for the 3th stork chick. On the photo you can see two small end one from the eggs with some little "hole" / "shadow"…More about you can read also on: http://www.bocianyzprzygodzic.pun.pl/viewtopic.php?pid=23925#p23925Best regardsEva StetsMember of the "Close to Storks" project7 May 2010 at 2:58 pm #47037 May 2010, after 14.00h The third chick has hatched
You can see some photos and videos here:Now we will waiting for the 4th chick on http://www.bociany.ec.plRegardsEva Stets
9 May 2010 at 3:59 am #47058th of May, the fourth chick has been hatched. We had not much opportunity to watch hatching as the egg was covered up by the other three chicks.
Now we are looking forward to the hatching of the fifth egg.
Some pictures and videos from 8 May you can see on:
9 May, early morning we are waiting now for the 5th and the last chick. On the photo you can see on the 5th egg small little "hole" / "shadow", so we hope to see soon the another small.
Let's see it together on http://www.bociany.ec.pl
Best regards
Eva Stets
11 May 2010 at 7:27 am #4708Hi!
11 May 2010 – very early mornig has hatched the 5th and the last our small stork.Some few picture you can see here:Short video you can see here:So, now we will see how they going. Welcome to watch them on: http://www.bociany.ec.plBest regards to allEva Stets
13 May 2010 at 11:32 am #4710Hello!
Very nice information about our project you can read here (Zbychur post):
RegardsEva Stets
14 May 2010 at 9:04 pm #4706The news from our nest is not so good…13 May we lost one from the chicks (the younger) and 14 May the second.We hope that the another 3 small storks will be good.Videos with the sad moments you can see on: http://www.bocianyzprzygodzic.pun.pl/viewtopic.php?pid=24445#p24445On the picture, the parents, dirty and wet from the rain, trying to keep warm them youngs.18 May 2010 at 9:27 pm #4712More you can read in English:
Videos what happen is here: http://www.bocianyzprzygodzic.pun.pl/viewtopic.php?pid=24639#p24639
The adults come back at night to the nest.Only one, what is sure – the help from coordinator of the project, Mr Pawel T. Dolata was all what we can do.
This is Nature sometime and here the winner was the bad weather…
Best regards
25 May 2010 at 6:28 am #4716The adults Storks are well:More information's about this what happen one week ago – you can read here:Best regardsEva Stets27 May 2010 at 10:21 pm #4717Hello!
On Greek website of the Hellenic Wildlife Hospital (EKPAZ) (http://www.ekpazp.gr/multi158/ ) there is my short article about our storks including the story of the male stork, called from last year "Aggressor" (ringed as an adult by Pawel T. Dolata with ELSA tarsus ring last spring).The text was earlier (25 April) published in Greek (therefore it covers events up to the 5th egg).
Few days ago, it was also translated into English.
The link is: http://www.ekpazp.gr/multi158/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=176%3A2010-04-25-00-27-58&catid=1%3A-&Itemid=2&lang=enBest regards
Eva Stets
3 June 2010 at 2:42 pm #4718As you can see on the pictures the adults Storks in our nest in Przygodzice are well and they are in the nest many times by day and every night.I think, that is also very interesting to observe what doing the adults the time, when in some another nest is breeding season. I hope, you will like it to.Best regardsEva Stets27 June 2010 at 9:17 am #4724The stork's couple from nest in Przygodzice are well and moult (as you can see). Everyday they are in the nest in the morning and the evening – every night they are come back to the nest.Regards with best wishes to allEva - AuthorPosts
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