回覆至:I don’t believe wild birds are spreading h5n1

    A regular monitoring on prevention of bird flue in the territory of
    Azerbaijan has been completed. The monitoring was held on the
    territories of the Absheron Peninsula, Davachi, Salyan, Aghdjabado,
    and Lankaran, as well as in the national parks, reserves, and coastal
    zone, Trend reports referring to a message spread by the State
    Veterinary Service of the Azerbaijan Agriculture Minister.

    Pathologic material was taken from 41 wild birds; blood was taken
    from 10 wild birds and 2,250 poultry. No signs of bird flue were
    detected as a result of laboratory examinations.

    During the monitoring, as before held by a commission of specialists
    of the State Service, Health Ministry, Ecology and Natural Resources
    Ministry, no facts on bird deaths was observed.

    The preceding monitoring had been held at the end of September, and
    its results did not show any appearances of the disease on the
    territory of the country.

    Regular Monitoring Did Not Detect Bird Flue in Azerbaijan