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      Today, I came across a news item on Falcon's death in N-E: Is it bird flu?

      starts breathlessly:

      The death of a Red-Legged Falcon near Barak river in Manipur's Tamenglong district has triggered a bird flu scare in the area, prompting a team of forest officials and wildlife activists to rush to the spot.

      – and runs to a whole 285 words, to tell us a decomposed falcon was found dead and (as yet) not even a hint it died of bird flu. That's gotta trump various other stories that have made news lately, like some dead pigeons found in Malaysia and tested for bird flu (negative). Or even the dead waterbirds found in an Indian nature reserve and tested for flu: negative; they were nestlings, and had been blown to the ground during a cyclone. But, these are crazy times. – when someone can even post here, with query related to safety of feeding titmice and chickadees in backyard in H5N1 free US (take care sir, those pesky little birds might swoop down and peck at you with their tiny little bills).


        There are so many to choose from…however, a recent favorite of mine concerned someone breathlessly announcing that five dead ‘songbirds’ had been found at the base of a building in some city. I live near a large city and the probem of birds being killed by flying into windows is an ongoing concern. There has also been a campaign to encourage building tenants to turn off all the lights at night because this can be disorienting to migrating birds. Correct me if I am wrong, but it sounds to me like these songbirds simply flew into the building rather than being potential cases of H5N1. Another troubling aspect of all this is the sudden appearance of many, many ‘experts’ on all aspects of ornithology who probably couldn’t tell you if it was a robin or a cardinal in their backyard this morning.


          《匹茲堡郵報》的一名記者收集了一些更愚蠢的禽流感故事,包括鳥類飛入玻璃(是的,經常發生)、一隻海鷗在吃了酵母後喝醉了(但被害怕流感的人類殺死了),以及俄羅斯議會議員暗示 H5N1 是美國人製造的,這樣他們就可以主宰世界家禽市場。


          貼文編輯:martin,發佈於:2005/11/09 03:18

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