家禽貿易走私及 H5N1 流感傳播

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      肯定有傳播 H5N1 家禽流感的潛力——事實上,在走私到台灣的鳥類中已檢測到 H5N1;迄今為止,已知的 H5N1 流感病例僅出現在西歐的走私鳥類中。


      「2005年10月14日午夜,台灣海巡署從一艘貨船上查獲了1037只禽鳥,該貨輪是船上工作人員將這些禽鳥從中國走私到台中的。…檢測結果證實,這些走私禽鳥感染了高致病性禽流感(HPAI)。” H5N1 病毒。”



      比利時走私泰國鷹中含有高致病性 H5N1 流感病毒

      “迄今為止,在這次疫情爆發期間,英國唯一發生的 H5N1 病例與籠養鳥類(臭名昭著的鸚鵡)貿易有關。”


      亞洲爆發禽流感,促使政府加強反走私行動。根據農業部編制的數據,在今年秋季的兩個月內,查獲了 165,000 磅亞洲家禽。”

      例如,有從中國走私家禽到香港的情況:「海關人員在昨天(3月22日)的反走私行動中,從珠海一艘內河貿易船上查獲價值$45萬的走私冰鮮家禽。下午約四時,海關汽艇在石鼓洲對岸攔截並搜查一艘聲稱載有馬鈴薯的船隻,結果發現大量冰鮮家禽,包括1,158箱鵝、688箱鴨子、465箱冰鮮家禽。雞肉,還有17箱鴿子。 」


      另外(也許不是走私):“2004 年 1 月,西藏拉薩家禽中爆發 H5N1 禽流感,經查明是來自中國甘肅省蘭州(距離約 1500 公里)的一批雞。”



        從中國進口300公斤母雞肉。 3月24日就此
        致通訊員 IA REGNUM 海關同事

        是在300公斤鳥肉中發現的。 「與
        禽流感 從中國進口禽肉至蒙古
        海關。 – 對於運輸來說,需要特殊的

        禽流感患者增多, 鳥肉,出售於

        – 前段時間,我在一個論壇上建議,H5N1感染的地區和附近地區可能有便宜的家禽,這可能是傳播到新地區的原因之一(買雞吱吱叫)。為此遭到嘲笑,原因我不知道(好吧,除了尼曼主義者的回應);在我看來仍然有可能。






          省反走私委員會常務委員 Nguyen Dang



          當局表示,自上個月以來,他們已查獲 35 起案件,其中
          近 31,000 公斤雞、200,000 個雞蛋和 33 頭小牛被




          當局在芒街、Hoanh Mo 的 Ka Long 邊境口岸
          Hai Ha 的 Binh Lieu 和 Bac Phong Sinh 被要求指導當地人


          當局表示。 — 迷走神經系統


            河內,4 月 6 日(路透社)—

            官員週四表示,越南在從中國走私的雞中發現了禽流感病毒,這是自 12 月以來首例家禽病例。國營《越南經濟時報》報道稱,動物健康研究所的測試證實,在河內以北 154 公里(96 英里)的北部邊境省份諒山 (Lang Son) 緝獲的雞中存在 H5 病毒成分。目前尚不清楚該病毒是否是致命的H5N1 病毒株,自2003 年以來,該病毒已在亞洲和中東部分地區導致100 多人死亡。記者無法聯繫到研究所官員置評,但一名省級官員表示,走私很難預防。農業部動物衛生司副司長黃文南表示,「走私者以小規模、小規模的方式出現,因此很難全部阻止」。公共衛生。本週,越南加強了邊境管制措施,以防止禽流感死灰復燃,但官員表示,這項工作並不總是成功。越南北方人加入中國邊境進行利潤豐厚的非法雞肉貿易,因為他們可以以十倍於購買價格的價格在越南出售這些雞肉。官方媒體稱,僅3月份,官員就查獲了販運到諒山和廣寧省的約20,000隻雞、126,000個雞蛋和1,000隻鴨子。他們沒有給出比較數字。



              RAJSHAHI,4 月 8 日:了解「禽流感」病毒通過
              動物資源部門當局已燒毀 6,750
              納托雷·薩達爾·烏帕齊拉 (Natore Sadar Upazila) 最近。

              同時,至少有 1,750 隻感染「禽流感」的雛雞已被感染。

              在杜爾加普爾烏帕齊拉 (Durgapur Upazila) 下,並將這些資料存入當地的

              Upazila Nirbahi 官員 (UNO) 辦公室的辦公室和一袋

              與被扣押的 2,000 隻小雞相比。拉希德 (Abdur Rashid)
              位於杜爾加布爾的動物資源部門辦公室稱,共有 2,000 件
              Shahdat 設法將 600 隻受影響的小雞賣給其中一隻
              同村的 Maik 和 400 隻小雞送給 Pachubari 的一隻 Harun


              與此同時,Rajshahi 的家禽養殖場業主最近查獲了 800 隻
              來自 Rajshahi 法院大樓區域走私的印度小雞
              將這些存入當地的 BDR 成員。

              然而,BDR 人員透過倒汽油燒死了這些小雞。上
              另一方面,根據指控,警方查獲了 5,700 件物品


                作者:伊莉莎白‧羅森塔爾 《國際先驅論壇報》

                2006 年 4 月 13 日,星期四

                米蘭 — — 上個月,兩輛警察巡查車穿著牛仔褲和運動鞋便衣,在莫塞利廣場附近的一家店面停下來,進行一次敏感的突襲,事關國家福祉和安全。他們的目標不是恐怖分子、武器或毒品。這是走私的亞洲家禽-一種有攜帶禽流感風險的產品。


                幾個月前,這裡的一個倉庫也遭到了類似的搜查,查獲了 300 萬包從中國走私的雞肉,包裝上沒有任何標記,儘管歐盟自 2002 年以來就禁止此類進口。

                專家表示,越來越多的證據表明,走私家禽產品——包括鳥類、雛雞、雞蛋、肉類、羽毛和其他產品——的國際貿易蓬勃發展,正在對H5N1 禽流感病毒的傳播做出重大貢獻。

                專家和政府官員認為,家禽走私是一項規模龐大、先前在很大程度上被忽視的行業,在國際違禁品中可能僅次於毒品。 H5N1 是一種強效病毒,不僅可以在活禽體內存活,還可以在冷凍肉、羽毛、骨頭和用過的籠子中存活,儘管它會隨著烹飪而死亡。

                「沒有人知道真實的數字,但它們很大;內布拉斯加大學官員蒂莫西·摩爾(Timothy Moore)曾為美國政府提供農業災害規劃方面的諮詢,他表示:“在非法毒品販運之後,非法動物排在第二位。” 「毫無疑問,這將在這種疾病的傳播中發揮重要作用。這似乎是它在世界某些地區傳播的主要方式。”






                羅馬聯合國糧食及農業組織的高級獸醫胡安·盧布羅斯說:“我很想擁有一張非法貿易地圖,但我很尷尬地說我們對此沒有很好的處理。” “我們都知道這種情況發生,我們很擔心,但我們看到的被沒收的只是冰山一角。”





                儘管許多國家將 H5N1 的傳播歸因於候鳥,但許多鳥類學家表示,證據往往指向走私。禽流感專家韋德·哈格梅傑 (Wade Hagemeijer) 表示:“我們認為,禽流感是透過鳥類遷徙和貿易傳播的,但貿易——尤其是非法貿易——更為重要。”





                當病禽被走私到農場時,走私的影響有時可能是直接的。 Hagemeijer 說,在尼日利亞北部卡諾州首次爆發疫情的農場中發現的 H5N1 病毒株與在中國農場發現的病毒株非常相似。




                她說,埃及和尼日利亞的生產商經常以每隻 20 美分左右的價格進口日齡雛雞,因為購買它們比掌握精密的孵化技術更容易。在奈及利亞,100%都是走私的,因此沒有經過檢查,因為奈及利亞政府為了保護其年輕的國內產業而禁止所有進口。

                美國駐尼日利亞拉各斯大使館一位不願透露姓名的官員表示:「政府政策造成了非法貿易。」他補充說,一些產品肯定來自亞洲。 「該行業每年以 8% 的速度成長,需要進口,從親代到孵化蛋。一切都是非法進來的。”

                由於H5N1 存在於大部分屠宰和運輸過程中,因此多種類型的走私家禽產品都可以將病毒帶入一個國家:飼料或肥料中受感染的雞肉部位、用於飼養受感染鳥類的二手籠子,或最終在農場使用的廉價肉類或飼養其他鳥類的家中。











                  致命的 H5N1 病毒已被證實。屍體有
                  have not been quarantined, despite being transported with the dead

                  Under EU and Irish law, the agriculture department must be told 24
                  hours before birds can be imported into Irish ports and airports, but
                  breeders say thousands of birds are brought illegally into Ireland
                  each year.

                  The trade in wild birds is highly lucrative, second only to drug
                  dealing. A special unit has been established by the NPWS to crack
                  down on the illegal trapping and trading of wild birds and several
                  prosecutions are pending….

                  Officials fail to halt bird smugglers

                    The government has acknowledged there are holes in its defenses aimed at halting poultry smuggling.
                    Conservationists want authorities to stop the trafficking of poultry from the mainland, an act that they say occurs in broad daylight in Hong Kong waters.

                    The government does not carry out tests to determine if chickens on sale in village wet markets have been smuggled in. This is something that bothers conservationists.

                    “[Smugglers] are packing the frozen meat in China and saying it’s from other sources. It’s easy to just print a box,” says Paul Hodgson, a reef specialist who runs a marine consultancy business in Sai Kung, and has spent time observing smugglers.

                    He said that, on one occasion, he had found more than 60 tonnes of chicken meat on the reefs, some of it in boxes marked “Belgium.”

                    Smugglers use small fishing boats, called P4s, to offload poultry onto islands in New Territories country parks.

                    In some cases, local fishermen and villagers remove the chicken from the reefs and islands where it is sometimes dumped to avoid detection. Hodgson says such chicken can sometimes end up in village freezers and wet markets.

                    He says Customs and Excise Department officers should be arresting these poultry smugglers, but instead much of their time is taken up with efforts to detect pirated DVDs that are being smuggled in.

                    The department disagrees with Hodgson’s assertion.

                    An official says the department’s initiative to stop smuggling, called Operation Eagle, has, since its commencement in October, netted 255,151 kilograms of poultry up to the end of December, and “28 live chickens/birds at the air, land and sea boundary.”

                    From the start of the year through to April 12, a further 22,490 kilograms have been seized, but the customs official did not say where that illegal meat was seized.

                    “I think they are culling the chickens [in China] and putting them in boxes, saying they’re from Belgium, and sending it out.”

                    He wonders: “Why don’t they just bring it into Hong Kong? It would have cleared through customs.”

                    They do not bring it into Hong Kong because of fears about avian flu and the government’s screening measures. The government says it does everything in its power to control the flow of poultry into Hong Kong, especially in the wake of the avian flu fears in the past year.

                    But it does not use testing “regularly” to verify whether frozen meat in village markets actually comes from legitimate sources, according to an information officer at the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department.

                    “Officers are deployed [in village wet markets] randomly to check the live chickens, but not to check whether they are smuggled,” the information officer says.

                    She also said it is common practice for inspectors to check receipts of meat sales to vendors if, in certain cases, it is suspected the meat had been brought in illegally.

                    “According to our inspections, if they cannot show the receipts, we would follow up case by case. Sometimes we would charge them, but first we would seize the meat,” the officer says.

                    The department checks for certificates that verify the chicken had been brought in legally.

                    Hodgson recommends that the government first find out where the chicken is being shipped from, and in this way someone can search for a solution to ease any fears over chicken meat.

                    “Get some of the chicken … and find out where the hell it is actually coming from,” Hodgson says.

                    “What I think is that the government doesn’t want to know, so they are not going to do it.”….

                    Smuggling fears on chicken


                      By MARGIE MASON | Associated Press April 27, 2006

                      LANG SON, Vietnam (AP) – Hired runners strap bamboo cages loaded with 20 live chickens onto their backs in China. Under cover of darkness, they navigate well-worn footpaths across a mountain into Vietnam, where bicycles wait to haul the clucking contraband away. The smugglers easily evade patrols along the rugged 1,350-kilometer (840-mile) border by using two-way radios and a network of illegal crossings that have become gateways for a new threat _ bird flu. Vietnam estimates about 4,500 chickens are trafficked into the country this way every day from China in a trade that is nearly impossible to police because of scarce resources. The H5N1 bird flu virus has recently shown up in samples taken from confiscated birds, raising the stakes in Vietnam’s battle to shift from the hardest-hit country to one that has successfully contained the virus. "I think there is a very large undercover, underground trade that is going on," said Dr. Jeff Gilbert, an animal health expert at the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization in Vietnam. "I think the biggest risk of re-infection (in Vietnam) is infection from China." [So, FAO thinks there’s a big underground trade now? Why so little word of this from FAO over past year or more, when FAO has been so busy blaming wild birds?] Many scientists [hmm; some scientists, and many idiots; even some idiotic scientists] believe much of the worldwide spread of H5N1 is linked to the migration of wild birds, but the Paris-based World Organization for Animal Health says it is investigating the possible role smuggling has played in some countries. [Taken them time, but at last may be after right culprit, not just the Tooth Fairy Bird]

                      Last year, Taiwan confirmed its first case of bird flu, which was found in birds smuggled from China. A Nigerian official also has blamed illegal poultry imports for introducing the virus there earlier this year, though agency spokeswoman Maria Zampaglione said that has not been confirmed. She said the organization is recommending that governments worldwide pay more attention to the illegal trade of poultry, but said China is not specifically being looked at as a source. Chinese officials have not responded to queries about whether smuggling has occurred. … a global smuggling network that has long existed hasn’t been shut down by new bird flu precautions. "There’s lots of illicit movements of livestock products around the world," said Dr. Peter Roeder, an animal health expert at the FAO’s base in Rome. "The meat comes in packed in vegetable containers and with other goods and the customs authorities just find it extremely difficult to be on top and inspecting everything."

                      In the past, infected beef and pork smuggled into Europe from Asia were blamed for outbreaks of foot-and-mouth disease and classical swine fever, Roeder said. Roeder said he wouldn’t be surprised if frozen poultry meat from Asia is entering Europe illegally. He said another worry is the trade of manure-based fertilizers and animal feed, which often contains ground up poultry parts, from infected countries. FAO is examining what role they could play in the spread of H5N1. [Late of FAO to say this; bird conservationists have been attempting to highlight potential role of poultry manure for some time.]

                      Vietnam, where most human infections and deaths have occurred, launched a nationwide poultry vaccination campaign last year and has intensified surveillance and public awareness. It has not detected any outbreaks in poultry for four months and no human cases have been reported since November. Its success has boosted demand for poultry as more Vietnamese shed their fears of eating infected meat. That, in turn, has fueled the smuggling. Smuggled birds typically come from large Chinese farms where high volume and low feed prices keep overall costs low. The poultry can be resold in Vietnam for up to five times more, depending on the market. For instance, older chickens that no longer lay eggs can be bought by smugglers for about 14,000 dong (88 cents) per kilogram, and can end up in markets in Hanoi and other cities.

                      In the Vietnamese border town of Lang Son, such birds fetch 37,000 dong (US$2.34) a kilogram _ still 10,000 dong (63 cents) cheaper per kilogram than Vietnamese-farmed chicken, said Do Van Duoc, director of the Lang Son Department of Animal Health. In Vietnam, no outbreaks have been directly linked to smuggled poultry from China. But it’s market inspector Lanh Van Nghe’s biggest fear. He leads an eight-man team responsible for stopping all Chinese poultry and eggs from entering Vietnam along a 100-kilometer (62-mile) stretch of border near the town of Dong Dang _ too few to be really effective, he says. Dirt paths, some as wide as roads, have been worn into the landscape by traffickers toting in everything from bootlegged DVDs to shoes and electronics. "Sometimes we lay our ambush until two or three in the morning," Nghe said. "Nearly a month ago, the smugglers built a cart, so they could use the railway here to transport up to eight cages of chickens. They moved the smuggled chickens for two kilometers to evade a checkpoint."



                        ProMED 郵件帖子

                        ProMED-mail 是一個程式

                        Date: 30 Apr 2006

                        The below article [2] published on 16 Mar 2005 by Thanh Nien News
                        contains a detailed description of the various transportation systems
                        used in the trans-frontier poultry smuggling trade between China and
                        Viet Nam.

                        This article includes an interesting statement that “old hens” [spent
                        layer hens] comprise a significant proportion of the live poultry
                        smuggling trade between Viet Nam and China. It should also be noted
                        in this context that bulk sales of “old birds” — most probably spent
                        layer hens — by commercial poultry producers were implicated as a
                        possible contributing factor in at least one human bird flu cluster
                        in Turkey (see 20060111.0100).

                        Research presented at the 6th International Symposium on Avian
                        Influenza (3-6 Apr 2006) indicate that there are at least 2 reasons
                        why this factor may be significant:

                        1. Genetics research on H5N1 strains circulating in Viet Nam
                        indicates that there was at least one new introduction of an H5N1
                        strain from China to Viet Nam during 2005. (The reference to the new
                        introduction of H5N1 to Viet Nam during 2005 came from a presentation
                        by Robert Webster, and the finding was published in a PNAS paper this
                        past February 2006 — PNAS 103(8), see pg 2847, column 2 PP 2.)

                        2. Experimental studies have shown that vaccinated chickens can
                        harbor and transmit the H5N1 virus without showing any outward signs
                        of infection, and that vaccinated chickens as well as domesticated
                        ducks can serve as infectious asymptomatic carriers of the Asian H5N1
                        HPAI virus. (The reference for transmission by vaccinated chickens is
                        M. Bublot et al. of Merial (David Swayne of USDA SEPRL co-author),
                        and for transmission in vaccinated ducks is J.A van der Groot et al
                        (CIADC, Leystadt)).

                        See also: Chen et al. Establishment of multiple sublineages of H5N1
                        influenza virus in Asia: Implications for pandemic control. PNAS
                        103(8), 2845-2850).

                        The proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Avian Influenza
                        will be published in the December 2006 issue of Avian Diseases, and
                        the contributed papers should provide many valuable new insights into
                        the mechanisms underlying the spread of the H5N1 bird flu during
                        2005/2006 from Asia into the Middle East, Europe, and Africa.

                        Joseph P. Dudley, Ph.D.
                        Chief Scientist
                        4301 North Fairfax Drive, Suite 200
                        Arlington, VA 22203

                        Date: 1 May 2006
                        寄件者:ProMED 郵件
                        Source: Thanh Nien News, 16 Mar 2006 [edited]

                        Concerns mount as Chinese chickens illegally flow into Viet Nam

                        The growing illegal import of chickens from China to Viet Nam via
                        northern border gates has become a concern for the country, as the
                        smuggling poses a threat to Viet Nam’s attempts to contain the bird flu.

                        Although the Vietnamese prime minister has issued a ban on the import
                        and transportation of poultry from other countries in order to
                        control the spread of bird flu, smugglers have managed to set up an
                        elaborate system to get chickens from China across the border
                        unchecked. Up to 70 percent of chickens smuggled via the northern
                        border into Lang Son province have escaped proper checks from border
                        guards and police forces, said Captain Le Quang Dao, head of the
                        border guard station surrounding the Huu Nghi International Border Gate.

                        According to a Thanh Nien investigation, smugglers have designed a
                        sophisticated system to illegally import chickens from China.

                        1st, the chickens from China are gathered at certain areas near the
                        Huu Nghi Border Gate. From there, smugglers hire porters carrying
                        empty cages to walk up the mountain paths in the area during the night.

                        The porters then bring the cages, which each contain 40 chickens,
                        down to the mountain foot where a fleet of Minsk motorbike drivers
                        await to carry the cages into Lang Son town. In order to avoid being
                        caught, the motorbike drivers drive at high speeds of 80 to 90 km per
                        hour. From Lang Son town, trucks then transport the smuggled chickens
                        to other localities.

                        Chinese chickens are usually bought at 12 000 to 13 000 VND [USD
                        0.75-0.82] per kilogram at border gates and then resold for 17 000
                        VND [USD 1.06] in Lang Son town, according to smugglers who have been
                        caught. In other provinces, the price of illegally traded chickens
                        can go up to 40 000 VND [USD 2.50].

                        To ensure they don’t get caught, smugglers also have people hanging
                        around near the offices of police and border guards. These people are
                        assigned to immediately sound the alarm when an officer leaves the

                        But, most smugglers are unaware of the dangers they pose by bringing
                        the unchecked chickens into the country. Even worse, some do not care
                        about their health or the health of others.

                        On 16 Mar 2006, police forces stopped a truck carrying some 1.6 tons
                        of chickens smuggled from China. The chickens, worth an estimated 20
                        million VND [USD 1255] were then transferred to market monitors for
                        destruction. Most of the chickens were old hens, with some already
                        dead. According to local residents, the Chinese people have sold such
                        chickens to Viet Nam but then go to markets along the border to buy
                        Vietnamese chickens.

                        When An Thi Binh from Bac Giang province was arrested as the truck
                        owner of the smuggled chickens, she showed no fear that the chickens
                        could possibly carry the bird flu. So far, “nothing has happened to
                        other people trading chickens like me. If anything happens, I will be
                        the 1st to die,” she said.

                        According to Captain Dao, all smuggled chickens caught by police or
                        border guards have been destroyed.

                        [Byline: Manh Quan]


                        [Between the laxly supervised export of commercial poultry and the
                        efficient illegal export of live poultry, _vide supra_, and poultry
                        parts (see previous postings), there is much to concern the rest of
                        us. We are fortunate that Viet Nam has a vaccination policy. – Mod.MHJ]

                        Date: 1 May 2006
                        寄件者:ProMED 郵件
                        Source: AP, CNN, 30 Apr 2006 [edited]

                        Smuggled Pets Worry Bird Flu Watchdogs

                        Bird flu entering the U.S. through smuggled wildlife is a growing
                        worry for government officials already on the lookout for migrating
                        wild birds. The concern over the trade in wild animals, pets and
                        animal parts has some precedent, here and abroad.

                        Gambian rats imported from Africa brought the monkeypox virus to the
                        United States in 2003. They infected prairie dogs purchased as pets.
                        72 people in the Midwest became ill but none died.

                        In 2004, 2 Crested Hawk-Eagles carrying the virulent strain of the
                        H5N1 bird flu virus were seized from the hand luggage of a Thai
                        passenger at Brussels International Airport in Belgium. The passenger
                        had planned to sell the birds to a Belgian falconer. Not one of the
                        25 people exposed to the virus became ill. Officials killed 200
                        parrots and 600 smaller birds that had contact with the Crested

                        “We’re very concerned about it coming into the U.S. by whatever
                        means,” Assistant Secretary of State Claudia McMurray said.

                        A surveillance plan for monitoring migratory birds says a migrating
                        wild bird is the most likely carrier of the H5N1 virus. The plan,
                        developed by the Interior and Agriculture departments and the state
                        of Alaska for use in all 50 states, also says the virus could arrive
                        through smuggled poultry, an infected traveler, black-market trade in
                        exotic birds or even an act of bioterrorism.

                        Authorities in other countries are similarly wary. An estimated 4 500
                        chickens from China are smuggled into Viet Nam every day, and the
                        H5N1 virus has shown up in samples taken from some of the confiscated

                        The United States and China are the biggest markets for an estimated
                        USD 10 billion global trade in illegal wildlife. The black market in
                        wildlife and wildlife parts is 2nd only to trafficking in arms and
                        drugs. “It’s not just a matter of the U.S. telling China, ‘Clean up
                        your act.’ The 2 of us are both going to get a handle on it
                        together,” said McMurray, head of the State Department’s Bureau of
                        Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs.

                        About 330 000 live birds were imported into the United States in
                        2004. Just 374 were denied entry, suggesting smugglers may focus on
                        different routes. The ones denied entry came mainly from Mexico,
                        Guyana and Ghana. The biggest sources of live birds were Canada, with
                        117 000; Taiwan, 50 000; Tanzania, nearly 40 000; and Belgium, 24 000.

                        The U.S. banned imports of all live birds, bird parts and bird
                        products from Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Laos,
                        South Korea, Thailand and Viet Nam in February 2004. Since then, the
                        ban has been expanded to any country or region where bird flu is
                        thought to exist.

                        “The borders are where the increased emphasis needs to be,” said
                        Simon Habel, director of TRAFFIC North America, which works closely
                        with the U.N. Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species
                        of Wild Fauna and Flora, based in Geneva, Switzerland. “There’s an
                        endless string of clever ways people try to bring birds and animals
                        into the country,” said Habel, whose trade-monitoring network is a
                        joint program of the World Wildlife Fund and IUCN-The World Conservation

                        More than 200 Fish and Wildlife Service special agents also do
                        old-fashioned police work to try to stop the trade. “The problem is
                        illegal trade that’s underground, where smugglers are bypassing that
                        whole structure of quarantine and permits,” said Nicholas
                        Throckmorton, an agency spokesman.

                        An additional 120 agency field officers inspect wildlife shipments at
                        35 ports, airports and other locations, alongside Customs and Border
                        Patrol officials. The State Department hopes to also enlist private
                        businesses in that effort. “The labeling on these items that come in,
                        people don’t tell the truth about what’s in them,” McMurray said.
                        “That’s part of the reason why I want to talk to the airlines, the
                        shippers, the Fed-Exes and the UPSes of the world and say, ‘Help us
                        with this.'”

                        [Byline: John Heilprin]


                        [While one might argue that infected smuggled birds present no risk
                        because they will die en route or end up in an urban pet store — a
                        similar argument to that about regularly vaccinated unexposed
                        apartment dogs being at zero risk of rabies, so why go to the expense
                        of ensuring their vaccination — the reality is that the volume of
                        smuggled wildlife, including birds, is vast. Thus, even if only a
                        trivial proportion are likely to come in contact, directly or
                        indirectly, with poultry, thus potentially generating a really
                        significant volume of virus, the outcome of trivial .P x 1000’s of
                        birds comes to mean something in epidemiologic reality.

                        Our young members will not remember the parrot craze of the early
                        1970s. Parrots in unbelievable numbers were moved out of Africa and
                        South America to the northern latitudes, legally and illegally. This
                        resulted in Newcastle disease epidemics in the Middle East and
                        Eastern Europe, and in the USA, UK, and Western Europe. The cost was
                        enormous. – Mod.MHJ]

                        Avian influenza, poultry vs migratory birds (15) 20060429.1240
                        Avian influenza, poultry vs migratory birds (14) 20060422.1176
                        Avian influenza, poultry vs. migratory birds (13) 20060414.1114
                        Avian influenza – poultry vs. migratory birds (12) 20060413.1099
                        Avian influenza, poultry vs migratory birds (11) 20060412.1088
                        Avian influenza, poultry vs migratory birds (10) 20060324.0907
                        Avian influenza, poultry vs migratory birds (09) 20060320.0867
                        Avian influenza, poultry vs migratory birds (08) 20060309.0749
                        Avian influenza, poultry vs migratory birds (07) 20060305.0721
                        Avian influenza, poultry vs migratory birds (06) 20060303.0670
                        Avian influenza, poultry vs migratory birds (05) 20060228.0645
                        Avian influenza, poultry vs migratory birds (04) 20060227.0638
                        Avian influenza, poultry vs migratory birds (03) 20060222.0578
                        Avian influenza, poultry vs migratory birds (02) 20060218.0536
                        Avian influenza, poultry vs migratory birds 20060217.0516]

                          SINGAPORE, May 3 (Reuters) –

                          A leading flu expert warned the scientific community on Wednesday against blaming the spread of the H5N1 virus on migratory birds, saying the movement of poultry around the world could play a major role. "We forget that there is an enormous commercial industry with the movement of animals all the time. That, to me, is the most obvious thing to look for," said Kennedy Shortridge, who spent three decades studying influenza viruses. "Don’t rush to blame migratory birds straightaway," he said in Singapore at a bird flu conference organised by the Lancet medical journal. Shortridge’s assertions would probably not sit well with many experts in this field [and many idiots in or not really in the field], who have credited the spread of the H5N1 virus in parts of Europe, Africa and the Middle East in the past few months to wild migratory birds from China’s Qinghai Lake. An outbreak of virus in Qinghai Lake last May killed thousands of birds and that particular strain of the virus has since been found in affected places in Europe, Africa and the Middle East. That gave rise to the popular theory the virus was probably brought to these places by surviving wild birds from Qinghai, in remote western China. But Shortridge questioned this, saying: "Birds go north-south, they don’t usually go east-west."

                          RAILWAY LINES OR MIGRATORY ROUTES?

                          "There’s a railway line that runs from there to one side of Qinghai Lake and there’s a road that goes to the other side. If you look at the movements with H5N1, they don’t seem to tie in with migratory bird routes for the simple reason they seem to follow the Trans-Siberian railway," he added. "Lots of people don’t realize that there’s movement of poultry from one country to another, even to Nigeria, where we’ve got bird flu. People are transporting all sorts of poultry meat." Several nations are already clamping down on poultry smuggling. Vietnam is redoubling efforts to limit smuggling from China after uncovering bird flu cases in poultry in northern border areas. Bangladesh, too, is stepping up surveillance to prevent illegal shipments from bird flu-hit India. Hong Kong is also beefing up border patrols to stop live chickens and poultry meat being carried into the territory illegally from mainland China. Since re-emerging in Asia in late 2003, the H5N1 virus has killed 113 people out of 205 reported infections, most notably from Asia, Turkey and Egypt. Although it is predominantly a bird disease and most of the victims contracted the virus directly from birds, experts fear it can mutate into a form that will transmit easily among people and trigger a pandemic of catastrophic proportions…. [deleted some silly speculation by a Japanese scientist; not based on reality]

                          Poultry shipments also likely spread bird flu -expert


                            Robert Webster has been chief scientific blamer of wild birds as vectors of H5N1; and yet, this recently published.

                            By Margie Mason, Associated Press | May 3, 2006
                            SINGAPORE — A top bird flu specialist predicted yesterday that the H5N1 virus will not reach the United States this year via migratory birds, and warned bird smuggling poses a bigger threat for transmitting the deadly disease.

                            Robert G. Webster, a virologist at the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis, said the virus will eventually arrive in the United States, possibly carried by infected birds illegally brought into the country.
                            ”While wildlife people in the United States are watching for the appearance of this virus, I would suspect that it may not come this year,” he said, adding it has been rare for bird flu viruses to reach the Americas from Europe.
                            ”If it doesn’t come this year, don’t relax, because it will eventually come,” said Webster, in Singapore for a two-day conference that is expected to draw leading bird flu experts.

                            Webster said he is most concerned about H5N1 becoming established in the world’s wild bird populations because most highly pathogenic bird flu viruses usually do not last long in nature. They typically start in wild birds, infect domestic birds and eventually die out.
                            ”This one has broken the rules and gone back from the domestics into the wild birds. Is it going to be perpetuated there as a killer? That’s the million-dollar question,” he said….

                            Smuggling a threat to carry bird flu to US, specialist says
                            Says migratory birds are not a concern this year

                            notion of a disease “being perpetuated there as a killer” is quirky.

                            Webster not much into natural selection, all this new-fangled evolution theory (from Darwin on) it seems.
                            Yes, not alone in this; seems to many people, viruses don’t evolve, they just mutate, and chance dictates outcome; I’ve even seen one guy suggestion a human pandemic could happen via magical mutation. Very odd.


                              It’s taken way too long, but at last more concerted efforts by conservationists to try to put record straight re migratory birds and H5N1.

                              WASHINGTON (AP) – Trade in animals, both legal and illegal, is a more
                              likely culprit in spreading bird flu than wild migrating birds, some
                              of the world’s top wild bird experts said Friday.

                              Bird flu has spread from Asia throughout Europe and Africa, but it
                              hasn’t yet reached North America.

                              “Wild bird monitoring is important, but the real threat comes from
                              trade in poultry,” John Flicker, the National Audubon Society’s
                              president, said after a Capitol Hill briefing.

                              Peter Johan Schei, director of Norway’s Fridtjof Nansen Institute and
                              chairman of BirdLife International, a global alliance of conservation
                              organizations, said the United States and other governments should
                              boost trade protections but not lessen attention to bird migration

                              Schei and Leon Bennun, BirdLife International’s science policy
                              director, agreed that illegally imported poultry and other animal
                              products pose the most immediate risk.

                              “It doesn’t mean we have to stop monitoring wild birds,” Bennun said.

                              Senior U.S. administration officials have said they, too, worry about
                              the bird flu arriving through the estimated $10 billion US global
                              trade in wild animals, pets and animal parts. Hundreds of federal
                              agents from several government agencies are policing borders, ports,
                              airports and other places.

                              Graham Wynne, head of Britain’s Royal Society for the Protection of
                              Birds, said it’s not just a U.S. problem.

                              “Virtually every government around the world is putting too little
                              emphasis on trade and poultry,” Wynne said. “You really can’t do too
                              much vigilance on the movement of poultry products because that’s
                              going to be the most likely route in.”

                              Wild bird experts say the virus appears to be spreading along trade
                              routes. They point to Africa’s first cases of bird flu, which were
                              discovered at a farm in Nigeria in February.

                              “Most of these outbreaks have not been directly related to the
                              migration of birds,” said Lim Kim Keang, head of the Nature Society’s
                              bird group in Singapore. He cited the daily smuggling of an estimated
                              4,500 chickens into Vietnam from China. The H5N1 virus has shown up
                              in samples taken from some of the confiscated birds.

                              Too much remains unknown about the virus, Bennun said. “That means
                              people are working largely on assumptions, and assumptions can be
                              dangerous,” he said.

                              Experts say illegal animal trade a bigger bird-flu concern than migrating fowl

                                Chinese chicken is being illegally smuggled into Europe, increasing the risk of a human bird flu pandemic.

                                European Union customs authorities have been put on alert after the deception was detected last year. Since January last year 21 consignments of Chinese frozen uncooked poultry have been intercepted. Such meat is banned in the EU because of the deadly H5N1 bird flu strain and other diseases rife in China.

                                “The risks in relation to avian flu are an example of the necessity for strong measures to ensure that imports comply fully with sanitary and veterinary requirements,” said Markos Kyprianou, the European health commissioner. “The commission is alert to all potential sources, including illegal imports.”

                                “This is fraud,” said Jorg Wohajn, a spokesman for Olaf, the EU’s anti-fraud arm, which is co-ordinating efforts to crack down on the trade. “But there is also an animal and human safety aspect.”

                                There are two variants of the trade. One involves using fake papers claiming that the meat comes from another country, typically Brazil. The other involves putting boxes of poultry in consignments of legal vegetables. Scanning a container by X-ray reveals the problem but the fraudsters are becoming more sophisticated. Slovenian authorities seized packets of poultry last year that had been hidden beneath same-sized packets of broccoli and garlic. They could be found only by manual search.

                                The Chinese authorities have denied giving approval to the shipments and pledged to crack down on them. There are no figures available on the extent of the trade. The EU imported 557,000 tonnes of poultry last year, mainly from Brazil and Thailand.

                                Several European member states have declared that the threat of bird flu has receded. Cases have fallen from 100 a week in February to about five a week. However, that reflects the fact that migratory birds are nesting: when they move again later in the year the risk will grow [nonsense].

                                Washington also gave warning this month that illegally imported pets could bring bird flu to the US. In 2004 two crested hawk eagles carrying the virulent strain of the H5N1 bird flu virus were seized from a Thai passenger at Brussels airport.

                                Bird smugglers deepen threat of human flu crisis


                                  Not smuggling – no international borders involved – but another news item that further indicates people in areas with poultry affected by H5N1 at least sometimes sell birds on.

                                  V v brief news item (here in full):

                                  The manager of a large industrial poultry farm in Romania was arrested Saturday night on charges of allowing the farm to sell poultry possibly infected with the bird flu virus.



                                    From 6 June Promed:

                                    My latest theory on the inexorable spread of avian influenza to Borneo and
                                    Sumatra is that movement of poultry from the Malaysia peninsula had been
                                    suppressed by fear of piracy in the South China Sea and the Straits of Malacca.

                                    After the Boxing Day Tsunami, the South China Sea was awash, so to speak,
                                    with military vessels bringing aid from foreign nations, which had the
                                    effect of reducing the fear that a smuggler of poultry might be massacred
                                    by pirates as he carried his chickens by small boat across to the islands.

                                    Apparently, piracy is once again on the increase in the South China Sea, so
                                    we can expect the current outbreak of H5N1 to dwindle in proportion to the
                                    hazard to small-craft traffic.


                                    Hugh Baker
                                    Veterinary Program Officer – Exports
                                    Canadian Food Inspection Agency/Agence canadienne d’inspection des aliments
                                    Toronto Regional Office
                                    1124 Finch Avenue West
                                    Toronto, Ontario M3J 2E2
                                    Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada

                                    [I have always claimed that, given 3 facts, I can come up with 4
                                    speculative epidemiologic hypotheses to explain them. It is clear that the
                                    epidemiology of H5N1 HAI is both multifactorial and multicausational, and
                                    each region will be different. Hugh’s suggestion may carry some weight.
                                    Only those in the region with special knowledge can tell us whether it has
                                    any validity or not. I would not be surprised if it is correct for the
                                    above piracy-affected areas. Piracy is a major hazard to shipping in the
                                    South China Sea and the Straits of Malacca. – Mod.MHJ]


                                      [a “machine translation”]

                                      ON ended up being accustomed to it. Virus H5N1 of the avian flu was
                                      standardized in Romania, where it made its return on May 14. Since,
                                      more than one hundred hearths were localised, including in the
                                      Rumanian capital, which saw in fear of an epidemic even if the virus
                                      did not make for the moment any human victim.

                                      The Romanians are furious because, this time, in fact any more to
                                      and from of the migratory birds of it is responsible, but several
                                      poultry stockbreeders which knew that their chickens were probably
                                      contaminated but did not hesitate to sell them at low prices to get
                                      rid some.
                                      Vasila Dardala, owner of the industrial chicken breeding
                                      Drakom Silva de Codlea, small city located at the center of Romania,
                                      and Macovei Guilder, owner of the Patiprod company of the same city,
                                      were stopped and risk 15 years of prison.

                                      STATE OF ALERT

                                      The Rumanian authorities are again in state of alert to try to stop
                                      the damage. A few tens of tons of chickens were seized in the
                                      supermarkets. “Nearly a million poultries were cut down in the
                                      areas”, declared the Minister for agriculture, Gheorghe Flutur. As
                                      for the Prime Minister, Calin Tariceanu, it dislocated their
                                      functions the president of medical national Association veterinary
                                      and its assistant. “These people are guilty of a criminal
                                      irresponsibility”, it launched.

                                      Carry of entry of the avian flu to Europe, Romania listed, since
                                      October 7, 2005, 53 hearths of the virus and spent 15 million euros
                                      to stop this plague in April.

                                      The criminal gesture of the stockbreeders of Codlea led to the
                                      contamination of Bucharest. “Approximately 50.000 birds of farmyard
                                      are high into full Bucharest, deplored the mayor, Adriean Videanu. We
                                      very seriously plan to prohibit the poultry breeding. We are a
                                      European capital where one cannot raise pigs and poultries any
                                      more.” The mayor of the capital is very criticized by the media,
                                      which reproach him its impotence vis-a-vis this plague. Exasperated
                                      by the incapacity of the authorities, the president, Traian Basescu,
                                      requested from the Rumanian department information (SRI) to seek
                                      guilty truths. The secret agents were ridiculed by confusing chickens
                                      and turkeys and by showing Hungary to have introduced the virus.

                                      The Romanians, them, retain only one thing: incapacity of the
                                      institutions of the country to communicate and regulate the problem
                                      of the avian flu.

                                      “Impotent Rumanian authorities vis-a-vis the avian flu”

                                        SINGAPORE : A 21-year-old Malaysian has been arrested for attempting to smuggle frozen ducks into Singapore through the Woodlands Checkpoint.

                                        Officers from the Immigration and Checkpoint Authority, acting on a tip-off, were on a look out for the illegal consignment on Tuesday morning when they spotted a Malaysian-registered petroleum tanker.

                                        On inspecting it, they found that the bulk tank felt “unusually cold” and had been modified.

                                        Inside, they found 276 boxes packed with 4,416 kg of frozen ducks.

                                        Customs officers foil attempt to smuggle frozen ducks into Singapore


                                          "Bird influenza ruins poultry farmers Ural FO"

                                          In the Ural federal region the repeated vaccination of poultry from the bird influenza occurs. Until today more than 8,4 million doses of anti-influenza vaccine entered into the region. It is inculcated the order of 3,9 million domestic hens and weft, of them 498 thousand passed repeated vaccination. As was noted at the session of operational staff on warning of the spread of the influenza of birds in the territory UrFO despite the fact that there are no focuies of bird influenza in the Ural regions as yet, stir around the infection already brought its fruits – local poultry processing facilities they suffer losses because of reduction in the demand for its production, it reported "uralinformbyuro". In the opinion of specialists, this situation to the hand to the unconscientious participants in the market, who hurry to illegally import to the territory of region chicken meat because of the boundary, proposing it on the dumping prices. The main flows of bird go through Kaliningrad region, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Moldavia, Poland and China. Only in the South Urals in 2005 were illegally imported 34-36 thousand tons of poultry-breeding production, which decreased the profitability of local production by 10%.

                                          – with millions of dollars spent on hunting for Tooth Fairy Bird (wild bird that can survive and sustain and spread H5N1), gotta hope that equivalent money and effort being placed in investigating poultry smuggling. Report like this suggests there should be much helpful info, should anyone care to look. (FAO and OIE: Hello….)


                                            「加納:禽流感走私者對當局來說太聰明了」 布朗-阿哈福地區的安全機構已被要求幫助禽流感監測小組檢查來自科特迪瓦的家禽產品的走私者和進口商。據稱,走私者智勝了缺乏後勤保障的監測小組,無法有效執行對該國家禽產品進口的禁令。在國家禽流感工作小組與美國國際開發署(USAID)合作舉辦的新聞發布會上,多爾馬地區家禽養殖戶協會主席 Kwabena Asamoah Asare 透露,大多數罪魁禍首是多爾馬地區的家禽養殖戶。他們大規模向加納走私雞蛋。他表示,走私者不太可能放棄他們的邪惡貿易,並呼籲安全機構支持專案組的監控行動。上週二,多爾馬地區議會成立的一個工作小組查獲並銷毀了約 1 500 箱走私雞蛋,該工作小組負責監測從鄰國進口家禽產品的情況。這些雞蛋被查獲和銷毀並不是因為它們感染了禽流感病毒,而是因為它們是無視該國禁止所有家禽產品的禁令而走私的…。









                                              7 月 14 日(彭博社)—美國檢查人員正在調查四箱從中國走私的鵝腸失蹤案,中國禽流感正在蔓延。

                                              官員今天表示,大約 100 磅的鵝內臟(一種用於一些中國食譜的美味佳餚)在上週從密西根州特洛伊的一個倉庫消失之前,農業部已對其貼上標籤進行銷毀。該機構檢查人員先前在同一倉庫發現了約2000磅從中國非法運來的冷凍家禽。

                                              走私家禽產品會帶來禽流感風險,該病毒已感染亞洲和中東10 個國家的230 人,造成132 人死亡。約瑟夫·多梅內克(Joseph Domenech) 表示,冷凍產品風險較小,因為它們不太可能將病毒傳播給其他鳥類,駐羅馬的聯合國糧食及農業組織首席獸醫官。

                                              「沒有什麼是確定的,但一切都有可能發生,」多梅內克在昨天晚些時候的電話採訪中說道。 “這是走私,而且完全不受控制。”

                                              多梅內克說,每年有數千隻家養鳥類,包括雞、鴨和鵝,在歐洲機場被非法運輸,衛生官員表示,他們也擔心非洲走私家禽感染 H5N1 禽流感。他說,美國的限制和監視可能會降低風險。

                                              新澤西州 WBB 證券公司的分析師史蒂夫·布羅扎克 (Steve Brozak) 表示,密西根州倉庫的病例說明了為什麼衛生官員認為病毒不可避免地會進入美國。他此前曾擔任聯合國軍事聯絡員。


                                              「當你觀察任何可能感染 H5N1 病毒的牲畜的走私時,這是一個令人不安的趨勢,」他在今天的電話採訪中說。 「這證明H5N1病毒抵達美國是板上釘釘的事。這只是時間問題。”

                                              貼文編輯:martin,發佈於:2006/07/15 11:45

                                              貼文編輯:Martin,發佈於:2007/01/04 19:36




                                                這些走私者每天將 1,000 多隻走私雞運入諒山(中國邊境的六個越南省份之一),無視雞肉進口禁令。健康專家表示,在這樣做的過程中,他們也多次將高度致命的禽流感病毒從中國南部的來源走私到越南,自2003年以來,這種疾病對越南的農場鳥類造成了毀滅性的損失,並導致至少42人死亡。


                                                「無論是在國家之間還是在國家內部,商業都是一個極其重要的因素,」聯合國糧食及農業組織傳染病負責人胡安·盧布羅斯說。 「我們試圖向政府施壓,要求它們必須得到更好的控製或管理。但就像販運人口、武器和毒品一樣,家禽販運也不容易。”

                                                諒山市動物衛生部門主任杜文杜解釋說,儘管禁止從中國進口家禽,但邊境兩側的巨大價格差異使得生意蓬勃發展。價格波動較大,但平均而言,在中國售價為每磅 30 美分或以下的雞肉在越南可以賣到 1 美元或更高。



                                                「他們試圖獲得盡可能多的錢,」他說。 “由於疫情爆發,他們正在出售病雞。”

                                                – 前段時間,在一個論壇上,我暗示這樣的事情正在發生;被白痴嘲笑
                                                – 花了數百萬美元來尋找牙仙鳥,但是花了多少錢來調查這個真正的問題呢?

                                                聯合國糧食及農業組織越南辦事處動物健康專家傑弗瑞‧吉爾伯特表示,只要越南的高價格使非法雞肉貿易有利可圖,這種貿易就會持續下去。 「你可以把直升機放在那裡,真正動員軍隊並投入各種資源,而且它仍然會繼續下去,」他說。 “這就像胡志明小徑。”


                                                貼文編輯:martin,發佈於:2006/07/31 03:57

                                                  北部高地萊州省的人們擔心從鄰國中國走私過境的鳥類感染禽流感。儘管檢查人員在省門口開展工作並保證大部分非法家禽被沒收,但他們仍然感到焦慮。萊州動物衛生部門官員表示,自今年年初以來,已發現 23 起企圖販運或交易來源不明的牲畜(包括家禽)的事件。但據估計,該數量僅佔進入該省的非法家禽的三分之一或四分之一。萊州省消費的幾乎所有動物和家禽產品都是進口的。萊州鎮有十戶屠宰家禽,據信大部分是走私的。顧客無法區分非法家禽和本地家禽。據說餐廳和市場上出售的家禽大部分也來自非法鳥類。



                                                    Some time ago, an H5N1 outbreak in Lhasa was traced to poultry from Lanzhou.
                                                    Lanzhou since seemed a potential source for further outbreaks in nw China.

                                                    This just in from a correspondent; also perhaps interesting:

                                                    Regarding China’s recent outbreaks in Baotou and Yinchuan, thought you may find the following info of interest (I wonder if they will be traced back to Lanzhou again).


                                                    Yinchuan Railway Station lies 6 kilometers east to the development zone, 102 kilometers north to the dividing-line station between Lanzhou and Huhhot Railways. The railway from Baotou to Lanzhou runs through the Yinchuan city from north to south, and connects the city with the nation’s arterial railways, through which cargos can be conveyed to the nation’s major coastal ports and to the Middle East and European countries.

                                                    See also this map:
                                                    China Travel Map – Railways and Train Stations

                                                    Post edited by: martin, at: 2006/10/10 02:51


                                                      The “migration routes” expand.

                                                      Four countries grouped in the East Asean Growth Area (BIMP-EAGA) forum — Indonesia, Brunei Darussalam, Malaysia and the Philippines — planned to establish a halal poultry joint company for exports to the Middle East, an Indonesia official has said.

                                                      “Currently, only Brunei in the Asean region holds a license to export halal chicken to the Middle East. An agenda on the establishment of the joint company is scheduled to be discussed at the BIMP-EAGA forum,” Deputy for Studies on Resources of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises, I Wayan Suwarja, said here Sunday.

                                                      Halal means allowed in Islam.


                                                        IMPROPER poultry raising and sales techniques – rather than the
                                                        flights of migratory birds – play the most important role in the
                                                        spread of the deadly H5N1 bird flu virus, United Nations officials
                                                        said yesterday at a conference in eastern China.

                                                        Dr Vincent Martin, an official with the UN’s Food and Agriculture
                                                        Organization, said the spread of bird flu is mainly the result of the
                                                        world’s rapid and unregulated development of animal production to
                                                        meet the increased demand for protein.

                                                        His comments came during an international conference in Nanchang,
                                                        Jiangxi Province.

                                                        Highly concentrated domestic poultry production systems, especially
                                                        in Asia, are still using centuries-old practices that place humans
                                                        and poultry in proximity, he said.

                                                        Meanwhile, the constantly evolving nature of the virus has provided
                                                        the ideal conditions for the emergence of new strains of avian

                                                        Evidence indicates wild migratory birds play a minor role in the
                                                        long-distance spread of the virus, Martin said, adding that the main
                                                        causes of the deadly disease are the trade in poultry and poultry

                                                        Marco Barbieri, executive secretary of the Convention on Migratory
                                                        Species of the UN Environmental Program, said that despite media
                                                        attention the spread of bird flu is not widely understood.

                                                        Misinformation has led to wild birds bearing major blame for
                                                        transmission of the disease, the official said.

                                                        “This creates political pressure for ill-advised and disproportionate
                                                        policies such as the culling or harassment of wild birds and the
                                                        destruction of wetland habitats,” Barbieri said.

                                                        Other modes of transmission, such as the trade in poultry and poultry
                                                        products, the trade in caged birds and human movements may well play
                                                        a far more significant role in the spread of bird flu, he said. And
                                                        in some cases, these pathways have been underestimated and do not
                                                        receive proportionate media exposure.

                                                        “We need to present an accurate and balanced view which acknowledges
                                                        that there are a number of factors whose relative importance can
                                                        change, depending on the area or outbreak concerned,” Barbieri said.

                                                        It is clear that trade in domestic poultry has been a crucial factor,
                                                        even in transmitting avian influenza across continents, he said.

                                                        Bird flu spread tied to outdated farming


                                                          From a Vietnamese newspaper article (appeared on Promed):

                                                          Just as bird flu resurfaced again after a one-year absence, authorities reported an alarming four tons of illegal Chinese fowl arrived in Vietnam since December last year in a northern province bordering China.
                                                          Lang Son provincial authorities also said they confiscated nearly two tons of fowl transported from China on three occasions on Tuesday alone.

                                                          In Quang Ninh province, also in the north, as the New Year was approaching last Thursday and Friday, local authorities confiscated 1.2 tons, said Nguyen Dang Truong, head of the province’s market management.

                                                          A Tuoi Tre journalist in the role of a fowl trader on Tuesday managed to convince an experienced middlemen called Trung to take him to the Na Pan Bridge in Lang Son’s Bao Lam commune bordering China.

                                                          A while further, we saw many chicken pens lying haphazardly somewhere on the Vietnam-China border.

                                                          The scene was sickening. Each pen was cramped with over 20 chickens, mostly having pale-white cheeks, dull eyes, drooping heads, feathers being stuck together and all emitting foul smells. Some even salivated.

                                                          they can earn over VND100,000 ($6.25) a trip, a fortune for rural residents.

                                                          The masterminds behind the scene, the traders – then transported the chicken, mostly very cheap, to downtown areas for sale.

                                                          Chinese fowl still imported during bird flu resurgence

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