世界自然基金會香港分會的氣候倡議者是解決全球暖化的方法 嗯

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      The World Wide Fund for Nature [Hong Kong] has launched a website, Climateers, to encourage people to reduce carbon footprints. But to me, it has weaker aims than situation requires, and excessive PR puffery and Monty Python graphics. More guff follows:

      I live in Hong Kong, and back in spring I was asked in to WWF Hong Kong office, to talk about my maybe writing a website on climate change for them. Had long talk; I made various suggestions. Afterwards I heard … nothing at all re this from WWF HK.

      Lately, thro local paper, seen WWF HK has started Climateers site. Intrigued, I had a look. (And I did send an email or two with brief comments to WWF HK; no response as yet.)

      First off, “Climateers” Reminded me of Disney’s Mouseketeers, in which (as I recall) bunch of kids danced about dressed as cartoon mice etc. Googling, found some right-wing warming debunker coining “climateers” as derogatory term, and a follow up post w someone remarking that like Mouseketeers – so I wasn’t alone in this.

      “Be a Climateer!” the site merrily announces.
      Also, with horrible grammar, “Climate Change. But so can you!”

      But before you notice the slogans, I reckon your eyes will be drawn to the Monty Python style cartoons, as buildings fall from the sky, land by a road. Here, can click on buildings, vehicles etc, see tips re reducing personal and business carbon outputs: worthy aims, but who is target audience: children, the graphics say to me; yet adults says the info. No real indication that this issue is, says UN, the defining challenge of our age; I know WWF is highly concerned re climate change, seen WWF (international) warning that we have only a short window of opportunity for action.

      Look around the site – there’s even a smiling cartoon sun – and can find info like:

      Anybody can be a Climateer. Global warming is the buzzword of the decade- everyone from former US vice presidents to rock icons are joining the cause to reconcile the climate crisis.

      Becoming a Climateer is not about sacrificing quality of life or hugging trees
      Now you may have wondered:
      Where are the climate change action leaders in Hong Kong?
      In the US they have the likes of Al Gore, Di Caprio and Sienna Miller, in the UK we have Sting, Prince Charles, Coldplay etc., what about ours?

      Was this written by some PR hack, I wonder?: so used to scribbling lightweight piffle that when confronted with a massive issue, underpinned by science, simply not up to the task.

      There’s collection of Hong Kong dwellers who are doing a bit to reduce carbon footprints; they’re Climateers, and local role models (“See how our Climateers put their foot down on climate change”). Can see photos, read short interviews. Well, that’s ok.
      Also, at heart of the site, a carbon footprint calculator – specifically for Hongkongers.

      Change can be as simple as using the Carbon Calculator to measure your carbon footprint-and following our practical solutions to curb global warming. We can be Climateers and pioneer change.

      For climate info, links lead out of the site, to rather brief info on WWF Hong Kong site.
      There’s near zip on scale of the issue, on arguments countering sceptics. Nor anything much re advocacy: trying to encourage change, inc by government, companies; being prepared to pay more for some things if means lower carbon output. Here, though, is surely where battle to fought and lost or won: without massive changes to the way we live as societies, will barely make a ha’porth of difference if a few “climateers” turn off their lights more often.

      I’ve tried the carbon calculator: my carbon footprint around 24 tonnes per year, with flights (just two long return flights) a whopping 19 tonnes of this.
      Get some tips on things I can do to reduce footprint: turn down air conditioning (ie, higher temperature), say. Takes time to scroll down tips.
      Also, registered with the site; received email saying “Best of luck with your carbon reduction journey.” :S

      The site is Climateers Hong Kong – if you visit, maybe post re your opinions here.

      While if you’d like to see a site that has far more comprehensive range of advice on what you can do re warming, see
      The Alliance for Climate Protection, which received some of money Al Gore received for winning Nobel Peace Prize. You can find cartoons (as Climateers, can click around, see info), but also plenty of info. Sign up, and can get emails re taking action, albeit so far I’ve been asked to send email to US congress, which not so appropriate when live in HK.


        在美國科學教師格雷格·克雷文 (Greg Craven) 的影片中,沒有任何跡象表明公關公司正在運作(或花費了公司資金)。加載到 YouTube 上後,它們就「病毒式傳播」了——點擊量達到數百萬次,引發了討論,需要採取行動讓氣候變暖的信息得以傳播。根據我上面提出的觀點,克雷文認為有必要改變政策。

        您所見過的最恐怖的影片不包含假血、吸血鬼、令人毛骨悚然的會說話的娃娃或隱藏在電視機中的幽靈。這是一個關於全球暖化的 10 分鐘講座,由俄勒岡州的一位高中科學老師主講,該講座席捲了網絡,在多個網站上產生了數百萬次點擊。

        它的技術含量低、品質低、預算低——38 歲的格雷格·克雷文(Greg Craven) 是一位兩個孩子的父親,他在俄勒岡州蒙茅斯的家中親自拍攝,一邊吃著紅牛和小凱撒披薩。


        克雷文拿著黑色記號筆和白板提出了一個學術論點,6 月他將其發佈到 YouTube 上後,該論點迅速走紅,在該網站上產生了近 300 萬次點擊。它現在躋身新聞和政治類別中最受歡迎的影片之列。

        完成第一個視頻後,他篩選了 5,000 條批評意見,製作了一個修訂後的視頻,名為“How It All Ends”,其中鏈接到 5 個小時的解釋視頻。

        他花了 $400 購買能量飲料,另外花了幾百美元購買披薩和麥當勞 $1 起司漢堡。他在家裡用三腳架上的相機和 Mac 拍攝了這些片段。

        「他絕對是在追隨自己的熱情,」他的妻子說,她曾是一名小學教師,現在辭職在家照顧孩子。 「他是世界上最溺愛孩子的父親,最喜歡和孩子們在一起。他這樣做是為了讓他們的世界變得更美好,我理解這一點。”


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