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- 2 2006 年 5 月 6:32 下午 #3332
引用:在第一份報告一年後,青海再次發現 H5N1 確實令人著迷,並引發了許多問題。它回顧了2004年1月拉薩家禽市場的兩次疫情,以及一年多後的2005年8月再次爆發的疫情。 [事實上,根據 ProMed 的報導,糧農組織將第二次疫情追溯到該市的一家商業家禽工廠]。
回到那裡,為什麼它在 2005 年(再次)失敗了(或者這座城市保留了
生產受感染的家禽/動物飼料 20 個月)?有沒有
野生鳥類族群? [我們知道死鵝是否真的有
更新,2022 年 7 月 8 日:野鳥從鄱陽攜帶禽流感到青海,這似乎總是胡說八道;來自那些了解病毒但對野生鳥類一無所知的人。我發現了一篇關於鄱陽鴨子遷徙研究的論文(在那裡的冬天過後);摘要包括:
//這些野鴨(不包括留鳥綠頭鴨和中華斑嘴鴨)沿著東亞遷徙路線沿著海岸到達中國北部、蒙古東部和俄羅斯東部的繁殖區。沒有一隻向西遷徙到青海湖(最大的野生鳥類流行病發生地),因此未能證明與中亞遷徙路線有任何遷徙聯繫。新開發的布朗橋空間分析表明,飛道中報告的 HPAI H5N1 疫情與緯度和家禽密度有關,但與核心遷徙走廊或濕地棲息地無關。此外,我們發現爆發時間和野鴨移動之間存在時間不匹配。 //
東亞遷徙路線中水鳥的遷徙及其與 HPAI H5N1 疫情的空間關係6 2006年5月7日下午7:23 #4216令人費解的是——在沒有證據表明斑頭雁的越冬地存在 H5N1 病毒——以及令人不安的報告:
國家禽流感實驗室週三證實,死禽檢測結果呈現 H5N1 株陽性,這是一種高度傳染性的病毒株,已導致該國 12 人死亡。
8 2006年5月8日 上午 #4217http://www.xnyts.com/qinhai/tra6-7/tra7yes23.htm
“野生動物——斑頭雁”顏眼,Ap 組。青藏高原海拔
明顯的“U”形黑色帶狀條紋,故稱“半頭眼”。 【斑頭雁,成群結隊?到
葷菜裡,落著巨大的、不規則的蘆葦和藻類、浮游生物。8 2006 年 5 月 3:13 下午 #4218注意這裡——最後一段——重新污染等。
這裡確實可能存在問題,一旦 H5N1 通過家禽貿易(合法和/或走私)進入該地區,就會帶來麻煩。尤其是家禽養殖似乎在同一個地方。http://academy2003.cpst.net.cn/popul/farms/gradn/artic/50119122108.html
方法介紹給讀者。1. 給水抗旱 雖然地表可以
鵝併入水。2. 停止照明,預計一般會遊覽綠半頭岩
從 12 月開始,需要額外的光線來刺激它們
秋季和牧場種植。3.對於每個品種,節省飼料 使用半頭岩允許3-6個月
糞便、水庫進行消毒。9 2006 年 5 月 1:44 下午 #4219報告中也包括斑頭鵝養殖/人工飼養。
曲水縣示範戶50戶。2006年5月11日 5:28 下午 #4220所選資訊的一些人工翻譯:
1 《拉薩市抓住鐵路產業發展機會》 2006-04-25 為配合西藏鐵路通車帶動畜牧業發展,BHG在擁有濕地和濕地的貢卡縣建立了養殖基地(家禽/雞蛋)水庫也適合水產養殖。
2 「200隻半頭岩回歸自然」 昨天(2005年8月29日)拉魯濕地放生200隻BHG http://tinyurl.com/ogoo2此舉旨在提高人們對自然重要性和自然和諧的認識,並提高拉魯縣的可持續發展水平。這些鳥在拉薩飼養,由公司免費贈送,以紀念拉魯國家保護區的開放。
3「中國首次人工繁殖野生板頭岩成功」 中國首次人工飼養板頭岩,南方山區300隻。當地畜牧局局長王懷廷稱,牧民在羊卓雍措湖(三大聖湖之一)附近撿到了300多個廢棄雞蛋。
success rate was 99% and 100% reached maturity. They now weigh over 2kg. Numbers have dropped in wild because of environmental degradation, only remaining site is Yamzho Yumco where there are 30,000 birds. Wang said after they have bred on large scale some will be released in wild, this year (2003) local authority plans to build a three mln yuan (£200,000) (this is not 300 mln yuan!) wild BHG breeding centre based entirely on habitat of wild birds. (Implies that birds will also be bred for meat/eggs).
12 5 月 2006 8:27 上午 #4221info from US based researcher and analyst:
In Thaliand, link shown between free-grazing domestic ducks and H5N1 distribution (more where free-grazing ducks present; however, with control measures, appeared H5N1 died out in duck flocks too).
http://www.cdc.gov/Ncidod/EID/vol12no02/05-0640.htmInteresting, then, that China is using troops of ducks to devour locusts on grasslands in northwest [Xinjiang, Qinghai, Inner Mongolia].
Duck patrol advances on China’s locusts15 5 月 2006 7:54 下午 #4222國際鳥盟的理查德·托馬斯 (Richard Thomas) 表示:
Another batch of Bar-headed Geese farming summaries.
It’s very interesting that the artificial breeding programme at Qinghai
Lake has partly changed the species’s migratory habits – it means the
practice must have been taking place for some time; I wonder how it’s
changed their habits precisely. It’d be interesting to know what the
birds are fed on as well: animal feed from the Lanzhou factory
perhaps?!?8 http://www.chinabreed.com/special/205/2006/02/2006022342677.shtml
“Ngan and management of domesticate”This is a relatively detailed analysis of benefits of BHG
meat/eggs/breeding methods, here is just an outline – Meat protein
content 20.98% which higher than chicken/beef/pork, eggs can be cooked
in various ways, feathers can be used for shuttlecocks, down for
clothing, meat for medicine, can treat cancer (!!!). Behaviour
migratory (doesn’t say if this a problem in domesticating them), pair
for life, docile, vegetarian, disease resistant, lay 7-25 eggs, take 31
days to hatch, m/f hatch in equal numbers when artificially reared, lay
after 10 days, one every 2/3 days, lay about 15 in first year, increases
up to 25 in years 2-6. Artificial incubator best, 38-38.5C, gives
details, also of coop (other article said can be bred outside), food.
Best sold at over 60 days old…9 http://www.nj.qhei.gov.cn/gyly/ysdw-02.shtml
“Bantouyan”An artificial hatching centre and semi-underground viewing room has been
built at Qinghai lake, artificial rearing has partly changed their
migratory behaviour.10
“Tibetan Nagqu artificial domesticated wild Bantouyan success”Following the success in Shannan (southern mountains, ie Yamzho Yumco
Lake, abt 100 km S of Lhasa) there is now good news from Xainza county,
Nagqu prefecture (about 300 km NE of Lhasa), 500 BHGs have been bred
successfully, have met market demand. They are being exploited
reasonably, protecting a natural resource, great step forward for
adjustments in husbandry.17 5 月 2006 9:37 上午 #4223again from Richard Thomas:
"Bantouyan off off period for technology"
This article stresses the probs of domesticating Bar-headed Geese. Although rearing BHG is simple and profits are high, they breed slowly, have a short laying period, so extending laying period and cutting costs in non-laying period is key to increasing profits. Here are some ways of rearing them in non-laying period:
1. Moving them to dry land – Although raising them on water can cut cleaning work, it increases dirt, smell, has serious effect on their health. So land should be drained in July when they stop laying, pond should be cleaned and disinfected so can be used for fish breeding and growing lotus as food for BHG. They should be moved into dry sheds (and clip wings) to bring forward laying season by one month to next January and put breeding birds back on water.
2. Stimulate laying by artificial light in evening in December, but artificial light should be stopped after non-laying period to stop them from not laying or decreasing laying in spring. To stop them putting on excess weight in non-laying season feed should be changed mainly to green food which will cut costs.
3. Only lay between March and June, so all but best layers should be sold. After last chicks hatch late April, the best should be kept as breeding birds and kept for 9-10 months. From hatching to laying consume only half as much green feed as laying hens, which saves on feeding costs.
4. Although (naturally) disease resistant they quickly cause serious pollution which reduces their freedom from disease, also catch infections from domestic poultry, causing their disease rate to rise sharply, so must vaccinate outside laying season (gives details). Must also keep coops clean and disinfect them. Birds kept on ponds, water should be changed in summer and their faeces cleaned out, pond thoroughly disinfected.
18 5 月 2006 3:50 下午 #4224There’s even a mention of this website in the news item; though not quite correct – the info was first from a Japanese researcher, posting to a newsgroup re poultry flu and conservation. I pasted some posts into this thread; Richard Thomas of Birdlife International – who started the newsgroup – sent more messages to the group, which I added as well.
Still, good to see this story; and check out the quote from Juan Lubroth of FAO!引用:Chinese admit breeding wild birds near Qinghai Lake.The hypothesis that migratory birds are responsible for spreading
avian flu over long distances has taken another knock. Last year, an
outbreak of the deadly H5N1 strain in thousands of migratory birds at
Qinghai Lake in western China provided what seemed the first firm
evidence for the idea. Because the lake is so remote, experts assumed
infected birds had flown up from southern China.But it has now emerged that, since 2003, one of the key migratory
species affected, the bar-headed goose, has been artificially reared
near the lake. The breeding farms — part of an experimental
programme to both domesticate the birds and release them to
repopulate wild stocks — raise the possibility that farmed birds
were the source of the outbreak.Roy Wadia, a World Health Organization (WHO) spokesman in Beijing,
agrees that, if confirmed, the finding is “important”, as changing
the breeding practice might help control the infection.Yi Guan, a virologist at the University of Hong Kong, co-authored a
Nature paper last July that suggested migrating birds caused the
outbreak (see Nature 436, 191?192; 2005). Guan says he had heard
rumours of the programme when he submitted his paper, but couldn’t
confirm them.There is no proof that China’s breeding programme caused the Qinghai
outbreak, but it does raise questions, he says. “The cultivation of
bar-headed geese increases the chance for these birds to mix with
infected domestic poultry.”Ironically, the breeding programme was revealed by Chinese press
agencies reporting on the government’s efforts to boost agriculture
and the environment in the region ahead of the opening of the
Qinghai-Tibet railway in July; the railway is expected to promote
tourism and economic growth.Richard Thomas of BirdLife International in Cambridge, UK, spotted
the press cuttings, and posted English translations to a blog
(https://www.drmartinwilliams.com). Whether farmed migrant birds
caused the outbreak or not, it’s a “cautionary tale”, says Ken
Shortridge, a veteran avian-flu researcher in China. He argues that
such a programme does not sufficiently take into account the threat
of H5N1.The idea that migrating birds didn’t carry the virus to Qinghai after
all would fit with other recent evidence. Juan Lubroth, a senior
animal-health officer at the UN Food and Agricultural Organization
(FAO), says he is now sceptical that migrants can carry the virus
over long distances. For example, the current spring migration from
Africa to Europe is almost over, with no sign of outbreaks. The FAO
has also checked 20,000 wild birds in Africa and found no H5N1.Blogger reveals China’s migratory goose farms near site of flu outbreak
23 5 月 2006 3:29 下午 #4225from Tibet info site (presumably taken in Tibet), http://www.tibetinfor.com.cn/news/2003-12-28/N0320031228112940.htm
25 5 月 2006 9:48 下午 #4226Migratory birds die of flu in Qinghai, Tibet
SOME dead wild birds found in Qinghai Province and Tibet Autonomous Region have tested positive of the H5N1 bird flu, the Ministry of Agriculture said today. A total of 399 deceased migratory birds were found in Tibet’s Nakchu area and Qinghai’s Guoluo Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture. The two areas are on the same bird migration route as Qinghai’s Yushu County, where the ministry confirmed earlier this month that more than 100 wild birds died of the deadly virus. noted by Japanese researcher re the Tibet site: This is one of best documented regions where BHG are artificially bred (cf. aiwatch #2098)
"Tibetan Nagqu artificial domesticated wild Bantouyan success" Following the Shannan area Bantouyan artificial domesticated wild success, recently, also transmits news Xainza County, Nagqu Prefecture. Manual procedures for the county rare fowl bred for the 500 wild Bantouyan growing trend well, the listing requirements are met. So far, Shen Norte County in the rational use, protection of wild birds in resources to vigorously develop aquaculture, and promote the strategic restructuring of the livestock has made great strides, providing a vast space.
25 5 月 2006 9:50 下午 #4227also from Japanese researcher: "utilisation of discarded eggs" suggests methods in line with the report of the first artificial breeding in Lhasa.
"Ramsar Information Sheet" 3. Name of wetland: Qinghai Bird Island National Nature Reserve (Niao Dao) 25. Current scientific and research facilities: Artificial incubation of Bar-headed Goose (Anser indicus) and study on the utilisation of discarded eggs; bird banding etc., the establishment of laboratories for bird raising.
6 6 月 2006 1:46 下午 #4228As well as possible connection to H5N1, must also wonder about conservation implications of such projects, especially if occupy significant amounts of natural habitats.
“Shannan rare wild animal breeding area development projects”1, project background and resources
Shannan area rare wild animal resources extremely rich, only one
country, more than 700,000 species of animals secondary protection,
including musk deer, black bear, Malu and Bantouyan, Chek Maya,
Hemaji, Zangma chickens have easily domesticated characteristics.Regional head of the county-owned nature reserve in Tibet only Malu,
the local people also have artificial domesticated wild Malu
tradition. Nga eye and the vast majority of natural waters wild
Bantouyan large number of researchers in this area Forestry Bureau
two artificial breeding of rare animals made a lot of attempts, made
significant progress. Second, the content and size of the main
projects(a) wild Malu, musk deer, black bear, brown breeding base.
(b) wild Bantouyan, Chek Maya, Hemaji, Zangma chicken eggs and
breeding bases. Third, the market analysis(1) markets in the region : Because of Sichuan habits, living in
cities of the Tibetan diet has been basically completely close
Sichuan, Tibet in recent years coupled with the rapid development of
tourism, local native products developed enough food, as long
transportation lines, the high cost of transport, purchase of
specialty food prices have remained high, Tibet’s native products of
the food market in the region have great market demand. Thus,
domesticated and breeding Bantouyan, Malu have better market
prospects.(2) outside the market : the Tibetan wild domesticated animal food
with clean natural green effect.4, investment estimates
The total investment is expected to reach 600 million.5, – benefit analysis
Artificial domesticated wild animals in addition to providing
features Game meat, bear bile, musk, velvet and whip, blood products
and other traditional medicinal herbs are precious and have high
economic value; Wild poultry high protein, low fat, the meat is
excellent, the people are like, after finishing the outside market
can not be belittled.6, cooperation
Business enterprises or sole proprietor holding.7, business units : Shannan region of Tibet Forestry Bureau
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