    Asia’s killer bird flu virus is coming and could reach the United States as early as this fall, an expert said this week.

    How prevalent it is will depend on how the strain mutates, said Sharon Medcalf, associate director of the Center for Biopreparedness Education in Omaha.

    “Most of our experts are saying it’s not a matter of if, but when,” she said during a program at Broadway United Methodist Church. “But I’m an optimist. We don’t know what that mutation is going to produce.”

    Eventually, the virulent H5N1 strain will be carried into North America and the United States – probably by migratory birds, Medcalf said.

    “We anticipate seeing H5N1 coming down when birds come back during migration this fall or this winter,” she said.

    Bird flu on its way

    Ho hum… :whistle:

    Post edited by: martin, at: 2006/09/09 11:04