回覆至:Wild birds scared n killed thro H5N1 flu fears


    Another "result" for those fearmongering about wild birds and h5n1:

    Chiang Rai _ The annual migration of swallows to the small town of Mae Sai has got locals here fearing a possible outbreak of the deadly H5N1 strain of avian influenza, commonly known as bird flu. Tens of thousands of the birds arrived in Mae Sai municipality two weeks ago. And since then, fears have been growing among residents scared that droppings from the migratory birds could spread the deadly virus. ,,, The authorities have been spraying the roads with disinfectant every evening to try and prevent any possible spread of the virus and are discussing other ways to deal with the birds. They have even lit fire-crackers and sprayed chemicals used to wipe out mosquitoes and their breeding-grounds, but all these measures seem to scare the birds away only temporarily. … Early lab tests of bird carcasses, however, have shown no trace of bird flu