不是 BB ii


當第一個 NOT BB 出現時,我已經起身前往遠東;聽到它的成功——在《錫利》的日誌時間朗讀時,沙姆洛克教授讀到笑哭了。有些人甚至買了副本,我分享的戰利品幫助我還清了以科學的名義追逐西伯利亞移民而藉來的錢。

好吧,我們想,也許我們應該嘗試第二個 NOT BB。我發送了材料,西蒙·丹(Simon n Dan)想出了更多愚蠢的東西,還有其他貢獻者——比爾·莫頓(Bill Morton)的卡通片登場,以及對薩曼莎·福克斯·斯帕羅(Samantha Fox Sparrows)的不健康的迷戀(或者這就是我)。第二卷的印刷甚至比最初的 Amstrad (RIP) 更好。儘管沒有像斜體這樣的花哨的東西。




 「甚至比 Blacktoft Little Stint 更搞笑」——A. Grief





Samantha Fox Sparrow – 蛋塔還是值得對付?

布萊斯蘆葦鶯 – 後腳趾顏色的變化

典獄長會吃自己的孩子嗎? – 完整的報告

自由的 有了這個問題——一份禮物現在絕對一文不值——


普通讀者會注意到 不是BB 採用了一種新的、更小的格式,以節省印刷和紙張成本。為了幫助克服資金問題,Not BB企業在薩瑟蘭購買了10,000英畝的沼澤荒地,打算種植西加雲杉 Tringa 霧化器。因此,我們將在十年內實現紙漿自給自足,透過植樹計畫增強潛在貧瘠地區的潛力,更重要的是,透過政府補助和稅收優惠來實現真正的大賺一筆。我們相信讀者會欣賞這種生態上無害的解決方案,以將訂閱維持在目前的水平。

編輯部剛剛收到一份相當卑鄙的出版物,聲稱是一本為熱心觀察者準備的期刊,或者這只是一個搞笑的惡搞?呼喚自己 英國鳥類,它與國家鳥類區系的相關性與 曼谷鳥類愛好者公報。它如此公然地模仿我們八月份的出版物,以至於我們對 JCV“鯊魚”三葉草無話可說。毫無疑問,我們的讀者會像我們一樣對這種公然抄襲感到震驚、憤怒和「憤怒」。我們假設他們有良好的品味,並且能夠避開這種機會主義的、一次性的生產。


JCR 鮑爾多克家族
PJ Grunt 健康俱樂部
RSVP 簽帳卡的所有持有者。



識別陷阱:第 29 號——小棕色工作

每年,Not BB 稀有委員會都會收到暗鶯、拉德鶯、紅喉鷚和帕拉斯蘆鷚等物種的記錄。在所有情況下,委員會都認為這些記錄可以歸結為一種非常常見且容易被忽視的鳥類,即小棕喬布鳥。小棕鷸是一種非常隱密的鳥類,最常見於十月刮東風期間短暫出現。它的叫聲範圍從刺耳的“tac”到高亢的“tic”。據報道,還會發出吱吱作響的“噗噗噗”叫聲,甚至是共鳴聲(呃?-編輯)。棲息地偏好各不相同…



Dial-A-Dip,Not BB 的新電話服務

您是否厭倦了羅伊·羅傑斯(Roy Rogers)漫無目的的指示,或者阿德里安(Adrian)的“我以前都見過他們,強忍住哈欠,試圖聽起來很感興趣”?

為什麼不加入我們呢?敲響活潑嘟著嘴的托奎拉的電話,獲取一條閒聊信息,其中包含上週、前一周和前一年看到的所有鳥類的詳細信息。加上 BWP 第 1 捲至第 4 卷的精選讀物。




無論如何,我的名字是彼得。即使我沒有被認出,憑藉我的新 NNT 金卡,諾福克各地數百個自然保護區都會歡迎我,這與我可以提到的某些保護卡(如 Access 或 Barclaycard)不同。

那麼,為什麼不花 35 英鎊成為 NNT 的金卡會員呢?你永遠不知道,你甚至可能會在 Holme 受到熱烈的歡迎。




只要花費幾英鎊,Dial-A-Dip 的新陪護服務就能為您提供協助。

從我們廣泛的品種中選擇一個豐滿可愛的 斯繆斯的新聞 打電話給三個女孩並帶她出去玩一天。然後,當您投球並在人群中佔據一席之地時,其他觀鳥者會驚嘆不已,身邊還有一件華麗的東西。當她撫摸你的大腿內側時,你會看到他們的嘴垂下來,而你則冷靜地握住抓手。您的信譽將在幾分鐘內上升,否則您將獲得退款。




為什麼不創造您自己的彼得·斯科特野禽傑作呢?現在您可以使用 Not BB Enterprises 提供的這款精美藝術套件。完成後,您可以將它掛在壁爐上方,而不是從布特那裡獲得的大衛謝潑德大像印花。



與正品毫無區別,而且便宜 3000 英鎊!如果您的耐莉阿姨能分辨出差異,則全額退款。



昨晚測量了我的東西。仍然只有 434 3/4。已經好久沒有長大了!我希望今年秋天它能再次長出來,趕上約翰·羅恩斯,他是班上最長的東西。每個人都說他的頭髮太長了,他必須非常努力才能讓它長大,有時當它長大時,一切都在他的腦海裡。


早餐時,爸爸媽媽又吵架了。媽媽說最近大家都去賞鳥了。看看那個漂亮的東尼超級和大衛巴特伯格;所以爸爸不會到處說他的兒子是南希的兒子之一。爸爸只是生悶氣,躲在報紙後面── 斯繆斯的新聞 照常。


拉克斯珀夫人繼續我們的常規系列,該系列最初印刷於 週日電訊報。



建造一個巢箱並將其放在花園中合適的位置可以帶來很多樂趣和滿足。當你的藍山雀把掛在晾衣繩上的你最喜歡的套頭衫撕成碎片,然後把這些材料帶到隔壁砂岩牆上的巢穴時,你會著迷的。不過,別擔心 - 凌晨 5 點,它們會回到您的花園,在您臥室窗外餵養 36 隻可愛的幼崽。



老迪姆的年鑑:摘錄號。 13

[header=濱鳥和猛禽 ID、Hudwit、神秘鳥]



人們早就知道(Claptrap and Gibberish 1853),鴴鷸鳥(編者指的是涉禽)對遊隼和蒼鷹等猛禽表現出恐懼,而它們卻不受其他鷸鳥、鴨子和長尾山雀的干擾。

前幾天,GP 坐在弗羅德沙姆,等待大展,思考生命的意義,並普遍想知道如何從研究委員會獲得一些資金,他想知道不同種類的鴴鷸鳥能夠在多大程度上區分不同種類的濱鳥。

這種能力似乎更有可能由經常旅行的物種的老個體表現出來,而不是由更安靜的物種的幼鳥表現出來(只是觀鳥者之間的聯繫——聰明吧?編輯)。於是「Wary Wader」計畫誕生了。

方法 測試了六種濱鳥。其中包括 Turnstone,因為它很容易餵食。最初,我們希望使用活猛禽進行實驗,但沒有獲得足夠的資金來支付巢穴攻擊和運輸費用。我們聯繫了蛋收集者,但紅鳶蛋似乎沒有引起任何恐慌;特恩斯通一家吃了它們。

我們考慮使用填充標本——但這些標本缺乏在猛禽識別中非常重要的精液。所以我們決定向鳥類展示影片:諸如此類的節目片段 地球上的生命、動物魔法、布偶秀,以及完整版 凱斯,看看紅隼在哪個階段被視為潛在威脅。

結果 結果很有趣。很有意思。 (但是愚蠢嗎?-編輯。)

跟進 作為這項工作的後續行動,所有的鳥都觀看了最近政黨政治廣播的鏡頭。正如預期的那樣,所有六隻濱鳥都死了:即使是特恩斯通也只能承受這麼多的糞便。


許多迂腐的讀者提請我們注意第 79 卷第 1 號中的一個不幸的錯誤。 9. 顯示 Hudwit 出現狀況的圖表 鯽魚 當然應該如下列印。我們為這個不幸和誤導性的錯誤,這個鳥類學的叮噹聲,這個鳥類暴行,呃,這個印刷錯誤向訂閱者道歉。我們謙虛地展示:圖1。

圖 1. 英國發生的 Hudwit 事件。




然而,戴夫·全麥(Dave Wholemeal)提出了海鷗的可能性, 拉魯斯 sp。

這張照片其實取自《糟糕的水彩板》第二冊。只有當讀取車牌下方的標題時,身份才能確定。這隻鳥其實是公鴨巴羅的金眼鳥 叮噹聲描繪。根據目前產品的標準,此功能已停止。

[header=Twitching(RSVP 廣告)、Royaritans、East Bankers]




如果您需要協助,請致電 Royaritans



如果您想聽聽了解困難時期、關心、關心的人的建議,請撥打 Royaritans 的電話號碼:740767(如果您在克萊以外,請撥打 0263)。如果一開始無法通過,請繼續嘗試。





塔利-何夥計們! – 這是一場傾盆大雨的油膩大衣比賽報名表


必須贏得 750 雙綠色雨靴和 2,000 條打蠟棉「Countryaird」領帶!


1. 維多利亞時代的女士們用哪一種鳥的皮當手帕?
) 海鷗,b) 大冠鷊鷉,或 c) 格陵蘭 y 鋒。

2. 「帽子和羽毛」是本縣唯一倖存的荊條和塗抹的酒館。一品脫 Bloodknock's Best Bitter 的價格是多少?
a) 1.80 英鎊,b) 2.10 英鎊,或 c) 17 幾尼

3. 金鷹是英國最大的鷹。在蘇格蘭,它最常見的食物是:
a) 狼,b) 高地牛,還是 c) 牧羊人?

4. 金鴴最常搭配哪一種乾白酒?

5. 下列哪一項沒有出現在拉維妮亞最近的狩獵球?
a) 亨利和莎拉,b) 阿爾傑農爵士和鼻袋女士,c) 中校哈維·萊瑟弗萊爾和布萊斯-皮皮特女士

6. 哪一個射擊場保持著一天最多擊球手的紀錄?
a) 蒙加古·巴克肖特 (Mongagu Buckshot) 勳爵 1984 年花園派對,b) 塔克西希羅德松雞沼澤島 (Isle of Takthihiroad Grouse Moor),或 c) 桑德靈厄姆 (Sandringham)。

7. 10 碼長的鐵絲網可以安全支撐多少隻死鼴鼠?
a) 39,b) 55,或 c) 一件背心的價值。

8. 在獵狐放血儀式中,卍字是畫在:
a) 右臉頰,b) 左臉頰,c) 雙臀部?

9. 當一隻馬鹿鹿的喉嚨被獵犬撕開時,它能跑多遠?
a) 1/4 英里,b) 1/2 英里,或 c) 沒有獵犬所能到達的那麼遠。

10. 一塊「Ferreter」手帕需要多少英哩的打蠟棉線縫線?
a) 誰在乎? b) 我最好問我的男僕,c) 我以為他們現在用的是膠水。

使用 IQ 不超過 50 的人完成下列句子:




機緣巧合 – 對北諾福克實地研究中心進行的一系列不成功的訪問結束了。


本普頓 – 當地鳥類俱樂部委員會的長期成員。生活清單尚未超過150。

布萊克尼 – 一個不斷向 Not BB 稀有委員會發送他沒有找到的鳥類記錄的人,以防萬一他的名字出現在稀有報告中。

布萊克尼角 – 布萊克尼展示稀有度報告中的條目。

克萊 – 因錯過了一件稀有的東西而哭泣。

科維希特 – 在這片土地上工作了多年的觀鳥者,對記錄保密,但當提到各種物種時,他會心一笑。

道利甚 – 當您的記錄在一群觀鳥者面前進行 Peleed (qv) 時您所處的狀態。

敦格 – 夏季觀鳥之旅中在車裡露宿三天後的腳部狀態。

艦隊 – 在可能的最小視野中勾選一隻鳥。

弗里瑟姆 – 透過四處奔走和飛逝 (qv) 看到很多鳥。

吉布 ——當你在聖瑪麗教堂北端走了三個小時卻沒有看到另一個觀鳥者時,你會感受到緊張和恐慌的感覺。

亨吉斯特伯里角 – 需要休息一天的神秘疾病,每當出現重大罕見疾病時就會發作。最常見於六月初和十一月。

英什 – 悄悄地朝一隻鳥移動。

皮利 – 輕蔑地寫下記錄(例如,「那些蒼白的邊緣位於中間的隱蔽處,而不是較小的隱蔽處。」)。

斯科默 – 飛過如此之快的鳥,必須由需要它的人來驅趕它。

史坦斯 ——一種接近腦死的完全無聊的狀態。

沃爾尼 – 傻瓜發表這樣的評論,「是的,是的,明白了,三層瀏海真的表現得很好」。

韋爾尼 – 穿著雨靴的沃爾尼。

威勒爾 – 到處尋找稀有物品,但一無所獲。

此頁面由 Schnorkel 和 Schitz 贊助



……然後隨著壓力開始上升,第一批東方白鸛開始出現,最後我們記錄了2,729 只,這是已知世界人口的兩倍多,你知道,你做到了,哦,然後鶴通道開始了,就像Hemmingsen 所說的那樣在他的論文中,我們看到了6 個物種,其中192 只西伯利亞鳥,它們很神奇,還有497 只日本鳥,相當於中國越冬種群,北戴河只是最後一個,我有沒有提到過500 隻大鴇、遺鷗、紅喉鳥、針鳥——尾巴,可怕的食物,盾蟲,我有沒有告訴過你我被高地禿鷹拉屎的那次……你在聽麼?

不是 BB 剪裁並保留保護組織指南


英國年老賞鳥者信託基金 他們以老人之家的分佈圖而聞名,目前正計劃在特林建造一個大型骨科日間中心。也因其無與倫比的 Dave Gillmor 聖誕賀卡精選而聞名。

科德和平 可愛的冬裝海報是他們的商標。 1986年北大西洋小船操縱比賽亞軍。

默西塞德廣播公司 向英國公眾提供精美鷹巢和佈景的供應商—他們有知情權!

國家動力 向國防部提供古老山毛櫸林地的供應商 負責保護全國各地一系列宏偉家庭花園中的孔雀。

諾福克自然投資信託基金 該市表現最好的演員之一。其沿海停車場鏈仍是主要收入來源,也是最近一系列收購競標失敗的原因。第一季稅前利潤成長 740 萬英鎊。

不是其他協會 絕對不是NNT。

藍山雀陶瓷皇家供應商 近年來,翠豐集團作為領先的商品供應商贏得了令人羨慕的聲譽。光是魚鷹盥洗用品的銷售量就超過了阿爾巴尼亞的國民生產毛額(GNP)240萬噸。總統是一隻戴著獵鹿帽的鮫魚。 (羅賓斯怎麼樣?;我們應該被告知。編輯。)

馴鴨信託基金 為英國榜單做出了重大貢獻。截至本文發稿時,Not BB 稀有品委員會正在考慮兩項產品。

世界熊貓基金會 全球 90% 的可愛熊貓玩具均由該公司生產。以其為富有的失業血液運動愛好者提供的服務而聞名。 (我說,穩住──那我的騎士身分呢?編者。)

終於! – 廣受好評的續集 魚鷹回家。 RSVP 自豪地提出:




“製作精良……錢盒的表演讓人想起好萊塢巔峰時期的影子。” 金融時報

“趕緊去看吧…相當震撼” 格雷維迪安


「我喜歡牠吃蟲子的那部分」Adrian M.

「自 1942 年以來,這位退休金領取者每天都給羅賓餵食,這讓我熱淚盈眶。」N. Tebbit

榮獲 Canned-as-a-Coot 電影節最有前途新電影製片人獎。



《Redbreast II》的拍攝將於春季開始


黑鳥吃奶油蘑菇湯 1961 年 9 月 14 日 15 點 37 分,我看到一隻雌性黑鳥 在草坪上覓食 羊茅。我觀察這隻鳥用坎貝爾奶油蘑菇湯餵食了 9.2 分鐘。油炸麵包塊像樹葉一樣被丟到一邊。儘管油炸麵包塊似乎藏有小蒼蠅,但沒有證據顯示湯中有昆蟲侵擾 白喉屬.


“Slumberwell”, Great Snoring, Norfolk NR9 ZZZ

Dr Renton Expert has commented as follows: “Zzzzzzzzz” Eds.


The occurrence of Sabine’s Gulls in winter
You’re all bastards, the lot of you. Death to the Not BB Committee. Who is Rolf Harris anyway?


Bill Board is a fascist incompetent.


Vagrant duck in collection
While walking around the collection at Martin Mere on 8th March, I noticed an unusual bird in the European wildfowl section. On looking it up, I identificed it as a drake Hooded Merganser, a rare visitor from North America. As it was in the pen marked “White-headed Duck”, I can only assume that it was a wild bird that had becoem lost on migration and had been attracted down by the captive ducks. Can I count this bird in my Dr Cox log book please?


No you can’t. If we can’t tick Barrow’s Goldeneye or Falcated Duck, you’re certainly not having that. Eds.

[header=Landladies, announcements, news n comment, radio n tv]


Sociable Lover at Dartford

Wallpaper on the Isle of Wight and Mustique Bunting
at Saul’s House

Parula at Tesco’s
[didn’t life later imitate art, with some megatick US warbler found outside a Tesco’s?]

Bonaparte’s Skull in Devon

Can I have the rent please?


Opinions expressed in this feature are necessarily those of Not BB.

Change in the procedure for the submission of rarities to NBBRC
In recent years, the committee has received increasing numbers of dubious records from observers it has never heard of before. Readers may have noticed that a new method of screening has in fact been on trial for the last two years. The success of this system means that in future, the committee requires all records to be accompanied by a description from a reliable observer.

As an example of the sort of thing required, an extract from the forthcoming report on Rare Birds in Great Britain is shown below:

Ring-billed Gull Larus featherwerensis Glamorgan, West, Blackpill 1 adult, 2nd March Tom Jones, Owen M L Evans.
Needle-tailed Swift Apus turbo Shetland, Quendale, 1, 25th May, LGR McEwans, A Brune, Andy Stewart.
Woodchat Shrike Audio quatro Dorset, Portland, 1 female, 25th May, R Lake, LGR Emmerson, D Palmer.
Lapland Bunting Calcareous santaclaus Norfolk, Burnham Norton, 1, 1st Dec, L Good-Heavens, LGR Von Erwin, GDJ Missingbird.


Yesterday in Parliament
In a lively debate in the House of Commons yesterday, many MPs expressed concern over the increasing numbes of eastern long-range vagrants – a disparity which they suggested could only increase East-West tension. “It’s not as though we could get a Linnet as far as the Kremlin, while those damn Yellow-browed spenetrate our airspace from deep in the Russian hinterland,” complained the Rt Hon Gerald Flatulent, Tory MP for Dormerville South.

Meanwhile, jeering Labour MPs demanded, “What about the Blackpolls and White-rumpeds?”

However, Defence Minister John Cruise-Missile reported a Russian diplomat as having remarked that, “If you want parity, you’d be better off trying to increase the Briish vagrant capability by screwing your environment some more, comrade>” The government has promised to do its best.


If you’re reading this article, it’s obvious to us that you’re interested in conservation issues, in acid rain, in World famine and alternative energy sources. Over recent years, Man has been using up valuable energy reserves at an alarming rate. Now, we at Mega Petroleum Ltd, in partnership with other major oil companies, have developed a cheap, natural and renewable energy source. This new fuel, like gas and oil, comes from the sea in almost limitless quantities – and is colloquially known as “oiled auks”.

Oiled auk briquettes come in various grades. For that roaring winter fire, use Razorbill grade, and for summer parties add af few Puffins. Try Little Auks as a handy alternative to candles, while Tysties are ideal for barbecues.


Friday 8.30 BBC1 – In at the Deep End with Chris Duck
This week, Chris tires his hand at being editor of a bird magazine, something he has never tried before and for which he has no particular aptitude. What a valiant attempt, and certainly highly amusing for the viewers. It has to be said that Mr Dawn has certainly got guts. Next week, Chris has a go at brain surgery.

Saturday 7.15 Radio 4 – Desert Island Birds
The venerable Shamrock presents other hour of fatuous backslapping, in which one of Britain’s top spotters tells which ten species he would like to join him on a desolate lump of rock somewhere off the southwest coast of Ireland. The guest is also allowed to choose one luxury item, but not BIS membership like last month’s guest.

Monday 9.30 Chanel No. 4 – Nightmare on Elmley Marsh, Part II

Wednesday 8.00 ITV – The String

A book at bedtime, Radio 4 – Not a Life More Not a Lifer Less

[header=Not so recent reports, stilt chick]


Lesser Crested Blue-vented Flycatcher Shrike Filofax cornucopis
Scimitar-tailed Tit-Babbler Xerox affidavit
…continued on pages 36, 37, 38, 39, 40 and the rest of this volume.


Due to the efficiency of today’s grapevine we can no longer compete (well, we never did really) in offering an up-to-date news service. Therefore, we have decided to merge the two features “Recent Reports” and “Seventy-five Years Ago”.

These are completely stringy observations, not authenticated records. The dates in this report refer to the 1980s unless otherwise stated.

Anticyclonic weather and prolonged easterly winds brought falls of winter thrushes to the east coast. Wildfowl movements were much in evidence in the early part of the month. Three Lapwings Vanella mae flew southwest over Hilton, Cambs. (Get on with it for goodness sake, Eds.)

Quite rare birds
The Robin has returned to Eric Barmy’s Toxteth garden. Of interest were reports of some Waxwings somewhere up north (Scotland) – one was also in Mrs Shamrock’s contoneaster (Fountains) on 5th, where a Dunnock Prunella scales was present for several minutes.

Real Cripplers
On the 12th a drake Fabricated Tick Convictus welnii arrived on birders’ lists, only to leave the day after. A Lesser Escape Aythya fulicula x marila or possibly A. fulligulible stayed at Bilgewater, Staffs., for several weeks despite a strong migratory urge (maybe it didn’t know what happened to the previous candidate, Eds.) This male Red-breased Goosander is often spotted on Britain’s boating lakes (wrong magazine surely, Eds.). An Unbridled Tern Sterna letsbeavenufranco (What a tick!! Ed.) left Shutland Water at midday on the 19th, but continued to give good views from Beryl’s until dusk.

Passerines were scarce at Flannelborough during the month, but seawatching provided the interest with a string of highlights, including a single Manx among the commoner shearwaters on the 21st.

Another Lapwing flew west over Hilton, Cambs., on 27th.

Orgy in Hilbre Seawatching Hide
The main news of the summer if not the year came, of course, from Holme-Sweet-Holme, where for the first time in over forty years it was possible to reach the reserve without losing your exhaust on the way.

Recent suppressions
Sorry, we can’t tell you about these, they’re just too recent. (Looks like we can’t tell you about that orgy, either. Dang! – Eds.)

July 1987

The youngest stilt chick
About to die of natural causes


The Spurnuda Triangle. By Eric Von Dunnocken. Suspense Publications, Hull, 137 pages, 2 colour plates, 17 line drawings, £16.95.
Eric Von Dunnocken is at it again. In this riveting work he describes a remote area in Yorkshire where rarities mysteriously disappear, without trace, only to reappear miraculously in hedgerows many miles away. Von Dunnocken believes the earth’s “lay-lines” run through the triangle, and wreak strange effects on all life that occurs there.

A recluse, who lives in a shack amongst the wild, windswept dunes, seems somehow involved. Von Dunnocken’s investigations have revealed that this man is often the last person near a rare bird before it vanishes, and that he leads ceremonies based on ancient pagan rites, including the casting of birds into the air in the dead of night, and the worship of an owl by a small, clannish sect.

Large Jock Raps the Shorebirds
You’ve done the Funky Chicken; now get down to the Sanderling Strut. An album guaranteed to make your body pop as the pulsing rhythms pound. This is pure music of the streets and sewage farms.

An innovative album, especially on the heavy funk track “Jack Snipe Your Body”. Even Large Jock’s powerful whistling appears muted by comparison to the raucous renderings of guest artists Goldie Plover and Tina Turnstone on the extended disco remix of “Gonna get up the tundra and find me a chick”, much criticised for its apparent support of paedophilia and banned by the BBC.

Prince should take note – the big people are a-coming up on the dance scene; maybe his bodyguard will produce an up-tempo version of his sound guide to the Empidonax flycatchers.

Guide to the Birders. By Hugh Town. Lister and Son, 1987, 227 pages, many colour illustrations – some reades may find these offensive.
These, days, birdwatching is not just a matter of watching birds. If you want to get ahead, be one of the boys, you need to know your birders. This essential new guide tell you how to identify all Britain’s top birders (why aren’t we in it? Eds.). Range maps and likely months of occurrence are included for each, together with details of distinctive mannerisms, deformities and feeding habits.

There are unfortuanate errors – the picture captioned “moulting Francis at Hartlepool” is in fact a 53rd summer Bland, as evidenced by the exposed tertials and odd-coloured feet. However, this book is worth buying for the photographs alone. You will never again be the only one not to recognise Jon Rohns at a major twitch.

Domesday Book. By John Goodegg. Caxton Press, 1066. 366 pages, many illuminated.
Subtitled “Where to Have Gone Birding”, this handy guide covers the major birding sites during the Middle Ages, when Red-backed Shrikes hunted Corncrakes on every village green. This updated version has been revised to take account of the dissolution of the monasteries and the recent practice of sheep-shearing, which have created interesting new habitats in the south of England. Especially noteworthy is the appearance of a bird called the Stone-Curlew, or Wailing Heath-Chicken, which has not previously been known to breed in this country.

G. Chaucer

Bird Aids Ltd 提供的異國情調圖書服務

Although most would strenuously deny it, many birders feel the perfectly natural urge from time to time to consult a field guide. However, even in these liberal minded times few birders are able to openly confess that they need a field guide; the social stigma is still tremendous.

Fortunately, we are able to supply a wide range of field guides, showing – in full colour and in a variety of poses – birds from many parts of the world. Guides are supplied complete with covers disguising them as car repair manuals, road maps or Reader’s Digest gardening guides.

Order with confidence. All books are despatched in a plain brown envelope within two working days. Your mum will just think it’s another load of Swedish pornographic magazines.


Yes! Two of Britain’s best-loved dudes, Robert McDougall and Toney Ropey, have collaborated to bring you a brand-new magazine – Duding.

Join NOW and get a free copy of Frontiers of Misidentification.

Each month’s issue will bring you: The latest spottings from our correspondent in Wimbledon. DIM Witted’s Self-indulgence Spot – paintings of birds you will never see once in a million Sundays.

PLUS!: Green welly tests. What to put in the hamper. Should you leave your telescope at home in case it gets dirty? Is it safe to do it more than once a week? – our doctor advises. What to do if your life list gets bigger than 100.

I’d cancel my subscription for a start, Eds.


New destinations, starting this year – Fiji, Nicaragua, Sri Lanka and South Korea.

8-day seawatch on the Persian Gulf Cruise – starting in Kuwait, the cruise in our recently re-registered boat finishes at the Straits of Hormuz. Anything could turn up! Who knows what you might see flying towards you or floating in the water.

中國 – 15-day spring tour. Youve seen films of places like Kenya, with its huge herds of Wildebeest and vaast flocks of Flamingos. Well we offer a contrast, this is nothing like Kenya. The tour takes you through vast track of country which once teemed with wildlife and where it is virtually impossible to find any birds. The first morning will be spent in Beijing, listening to the dawn chorus, only to find all the birds are caged.

Lebanon – 1-day autumn tour. For the adventurous with a touch of the gung-ho. We stay in the Peace and Love Hotel in strife-torn Beirut. From the rooftop, you will be able to dodge snipers’ bullets whilst joining the youth of the country in their second favourite past-time – blowing away most of Europe’s storks and eagles as they migrate overhead. Even more fun than Space Invaders. Previous tour members have been so captivated that they have spent the rest of their lives there.

Pacific Test Sites – 3-hour tour. See the shattered remains of beautiful, Pacific atolls. A novel feature of this trip is the chance to watch evolution in action, as animals (and maybe one or two tour members) mutate before your eyes. You’ll be glowing with satisfaction. Don’t forget to pack your Geiger counter!

Japanese Rainforest Bonanza – 5-month spring tour. Rainforests in Japan? Yes indeed. Or almost. The tour starts at a quayside, where we’ll see tons and tons of hardwood being unloaded. Then, we watch houses being built from the wood: they”ll soon fall down, but who cares? – no one wants an old one anyway.
Each night, we will eat at the finest restaurants in Kyoto, while our guest lecturer relates something of the wildlife which was killed in providing our disposable chopsticks. We hope to include a trip to see whales being landed, and may be lucky enough to witness a spot of dolphin bashing.

Katuschka Tours will make your knuckles whiter


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