
Hi, once more!

Our three young storks: Zosia, Barycz, and Czwartak, were ringed on 27 VI 2009. The ringing action started shortly after 12 AM (CET). It could be carried thanks to the help of local volunteer fire-fighting unit, which agreed to share their car (together with the crew) with the special “crane”. However, there was a danger that the fire engine may be mired down in the wet meadow ground, because for many days there were heavy rains in Poland. But, fortunately, everything went smoothly.

The project coordinator, Pawel T. Dolata, who is also the professional bird ringer, approached to the nest on the crane and took down all storklets. Just before that, the parent gone on the nearby roof and from there watched the event.

On the ground storks were weighed, measured (beaks and wings), and then black-white rings, ELSA type, were attached to their legs over knees. Ringing has been done on the ground under the nest, because it is safer for young storks, and it is much easier to check if any dangerous things there are in the nest – strings, fishing line, etc. When all these operations were completed, storklets had been taken to the nest again, and for some time they still played to be “dead”. The action lasted 31 minutes and after next 25 minutes adult stork joined her children.

More photos you can see here (page 1 and 2): http://www.bocianyzprzygodzic.pun.pl/viewtopic.php?pid=17632#p17632

To see a short videos from the how it was you can click: here

From several days all three storklets actively exercise their wings preparing for their first flights. Time passes quickly and soon they begin to fly, and in the first decade of August they leave the nest to fly to Africa.

Welcome to watch them with us on http://www.bociany.ec.pl/ !

Best regards
Eva Stets & Lucyna Ciesielska
