DocMartin Links

10000 Birds

Are you fascinated by nature? Eager to travel? Passionate about understanding and observing the world’s birds over a lifetime of exploration? Then this is the site for you!

Bird Links to the World – Global Links

Extensive collection of links to birding sites.

Birding Humor

Links to pages by US birder Bruce Bowman, with bird-related jokes, daft anecdotes and observations. 

Birds Korea

Conserving birds – conserving habitats, with strong emphasis on South Korea; loads of info! 

British Birds

Monthly journal for all keen birdwatchers.

Cheung Chau Hong Kong

Cheung Chau is a small yet fascinating island in southwest Hong Kong.

Climate Central

Nonprofit, collaborative group of scientists and communicators. Mission is to create a bridge between the scientific community and the public, providing clear, honest, nonpartisan, and up-to-date information to help people make sound decisions about climate and energy.

Climate of Our Future (

A blog meant to open a discussion of global climate change by providing articles, resources and opinions that provoke our readers to thought and action.


Exists to clear the public relations pollution that is clouding the science on climate change. 

DocMartinHK – YouTube ( /docmartinhk)

My YouTube page, where you can find several videos I have made or co-produced, chiefly covering natural world.

Fatbirder (

“The premier web resource about birds, birding & birdwatching for birders” 

First Pass Under Heaven (

By Nathan Gray; book and DVD on his solo 4000-kilometre trek along the great wall of China 

Global Warming Watch


Go for Change: Profitable Green Business (

Helping entrepreneurs to think green, and increase profits.

hehelarious (

Humour site – w jokes and video clips, spanning subjects from parrots to nuns, food and horny women.

Hong Kong Bird Watching Society (

Includes good, active forum – via link to “BBS”

Hong Kong Outdoors – Wild About Hong Kong (

Packed with info on great places to go and things to do in the wilder side of Hong Kong; also info on conservation and environment.

Logical Science (

Defending the scientific consensus from vested interests.

Oriental Bird Club (

UK-based charity for birders and ornithologists around the world interested in wild birds in the Oriental region and their conservation.

RealClimate (

Climate science from climate scientists – with commentaries on breaking news, erudite discussions. 

Scarborough Birders (

Site by group of birders in my home town, Scarborough in North Yorkshire, UK. Updated with recent sightings.

The Photography Directory


The Photography Directory. Add your site for FREE!

The Photography Directory (

A human edited, SEO friendly, web directory containing high quality website listings which have been reviewed on an individual basis.

Travellerspoint Travel Community (

Nurturing Travel Addictions for over 150,000 travellers worldwide

Travelling BIrder (

Internet portal to bird travel and birding trip reports

Tuber Creations – Seeds for Creative Change (

A creative place on the web. Take a stroll through this network of artists, musicians and storytellers and make yourself at home on our fertile turf. We hope the nutrients down here will feed your soul with fresh ideas! 

Updating the Climate Science (

Subtitled “What Path is the World Following”; by Dr James Hansen and Makiko Sato. Pages have graphs showing, for instance, temperature anomalies, sea level, and ice sheet thicknesses.