Martin W

    And, another comment, critical of the Anatidae carrying H5N1 paper:

    The authors cite the date of the first confirmed outbreak in Ukraine
    as DECEMBER 2005. There was an OIE report filed by Ukraine on 5 Dec
    2005, but this report says first outbreak began on 25 Nov.

    Also, officials later admitted that they were aware of outbreaks in
    October and farmers quoted by news media said the first outbreaks
    actually began in September.


    Any way you look at it, the date used for Ukraine is wrong. What
    about the others ??

    Also remember that death rate in poultry flocks only reaches real
    catastrophic levels only 3 weeks or more after the index
    case/introduction occurs — so that the “observed date” of first
    reported major outbreak occurs at least one month after the actual
    initial introduction.

    When these aspects are factored into the equation also,
    the “evident” temporal correlations cited in this study may become
    pretty tenuous indeed …

    Post edited by: martin, at: 2006/11/05 10:41